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Message 1 of 13

Upload speed problem with Halo 1

I have posted on this before but not had a satisfactory answer. BT are supposed to come out this morning for the 3rd time and I am on my 3rd Hub now a Smart Hub 2.

The issue is a much lower than originally had and told in contract to expect Upload Speed. When I went to Halo 1 I had a  a Download of circa 70Mbps and an Upload of circa 18Mbps. The green cabinet is across the road and all boxes in the house have been upgraded to the latest types. I was happy with this. However after a few days the download dropped to circa 9.6Mbps and for a short time the upload dropped to 35Mbps but after a reset it went back up to circa 70 and has remained pretty much there. The Upload however flies up to 18 for a split second and then drops to circa 9.6Mbps. If I test with BT Wholesale it shows 80/20 if I test with Ookla Speed test both with an ethernet connected i7 PC or my iPhone via wifi I get the 70/9.6.

It feels like I have an 80/10 connection when using the router and accessing the internet.

Here is a set of grabs showing my progression from Basic Broadband to Halo 1.  Any help appreciated as BT dont seem to be able to resolve it. Perhaps I should reduce my payment by a quarter!Connection Speeds.JPG

0 Ratings
Message 2 of 13

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1

Please post the connection stats from the hub. Advanced settings/technical log/information.

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 13

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1

Product code:Smart Hub 2


Serial number:+


Firmware version:v0.17.01.12312-BT


Firmware updated:Wed Sep 2 10:52:10 2020


Board version:R01


GUI version:1.56 15_02_2019


DSL uptime:0 days,11 Hours38 Mins38 Secs


Data rate:19.999 Mbps / 79.999 Mbps


Maximum data rate:29.262 Mbps / 94.351 Mbps


Noise margin:15.1 / 9.1


Line attenuation:5.2 / 8.5


Signal attenuation:5.0 / 9.0


VLAN id:101


Upstream error control:Off


Downstream error control:Off


Data sent / received:141.2 MB Uploaded  / 1.5 GB Downloaded




BT Wi-fi:Activated


2.4 GHz wireless network name:BT-HCAJFQ


2.4 GHz wireless channel:Smart (Channel6)


5 GHz wireless network name:BT-HCAJFQ


5 GHz wireless channel:Smart (Channel36)


Wireless security:WPA2 (Recommended)


Wireless mode:Mode 1




0 Ratings
Message 4 of 13

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1

You are syncing at full speeds both up and down. Try another sped test site. Perhaps THIS one.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 13

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1

speed test.JPG

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 13

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1

Update - Engineer called and confirmed that I have the near 80/20 to the hub. BT contacted and they can see the throughput as 70+ down BUT 9.6 Up so it looks to me that there is either a Hub problem - unlikely as this is the 3rd one or its a Build/Profile issue at BT. 

The Engineer can do no more and the number he was given to contact BT on is down! so this issue I have had since the end of July goes on.

I am currently waiting a scheduled call back from BT. Lets hope we avoid the Ombudsman.

If anyone else is having the same issue perhaps we could get together as take it on. Now as I am only getting half upload speed would that be cause enough for me to cut my payment by a quarter !!!

0 Ratings
Message 7 of 13

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1

Hi @AngeloCo,

I'm sorry to hear that you are still experiencing slow upload speeds.

Can you let us know how you get on with the faults team that's due to call you back and if you are still no further forward after that call we can take over the case?


0 Ratings
Message 8 of 13

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1

Thanks Matt-S

Today an Engineer form Openreach came and again tested and confirmed I have 80/20 to the Hub. A check with BT by him on my phone confirmed that the trough put was 80/10 Max actually some thing like 70/9.6

Openreach blame BT and vice versa. Sarah from BT caled me this afternoon and we had a lengthy conversation where I had the usual BT do not guarantee Upload - fair enough but I have a contract that states a min and max upload 17 to 18. Also when I first had Halo I got 71 and 18 so I know this can be delivered. After a storm it went down to 35/9.5 and after a hub reset moved to 71/9.5

I suggested that my "Profile was corrupted as a result of the storm and it is throttling the upload. After some discussion Sarah had with a technical support we have agreed a possible solution which is a soft ceasation of the line and rebuild - this taking place this evening. Sarah is ringing me back on Monday. This sugestion was mine and they didnt want to do it but as I said the alternative is I stop my contact now and then resubscribe to BT the next day - same job!

So I will have an update tomorrow and more after Monday. Its a strange one and just for people to realise I have used the speed test throughout so it is a like for like comparison - the test conditions have been constant.

We will see tomorrow and the following days as the DLM freaks out!

Message 9 of 13

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1

Update - I cannot see anything was done overnight - speed is still the same and the hub and connection did not go off in the evening as I was told it would.

I have video capture of the test today but I cannot upload it here -  an interesting point is the way it behaves on the Upload test - as it shoots up drops back hesitates and then settles done at 9.6 - it appears to want to go to the 18 or 20 you is throttled.

If anyone knows how I can upload it please let me know.

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 13

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1


Just to be sure that nothing has been missed, have you changed the ethernet cable from your hub to your device?

I've sent you a Private Message with details on how you can get in contact with the mod team so we can take a look into this for you. 

