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Message 1 of 2

VC019 Error BT Sport app on a Samsung TV

I cannot understand how this app can be so bad. Every time I try to watch something on the app I get a VC019 error multiple times. Sometimes the programme starts working after a couple of error messages, sometimes not at all and I give up.

Ive got my TV wired to the internet so connections issues shouldn’t be a problem (if they are I have BT internet so they need to sort that too!) I’ve used the device checker tool on the BT app, checked the settings on my TV, all seems fine there.. so WHY, OH WHY does the app STILL not work?! 

Please can someone help me because I’m really losing patience now (not that I can do anything because I’m stuck in a contract, even though they can just Chuck the price up when they feel like it)…

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Message 2 of 2

Re: VC019 Error BT Sport app on a Samsung TV

Hi @rudders_09, welcome to the forum and sorry you are getting this error on the BT Sport app.

Are you able to test the app on another device and see if you get the same error or if it works ok?
Have you reset your TV and also checked the firmware is up to date?



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