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Message 11 of 14

Re: What router works with bt tv/youview and has qos?

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@George14 wrote:

I’ve got them running on individual lan ports to individual power line adapters, didn’t want to get too congested on a single one. I’ve bought a cheap to link router and the suggested network switch so I’ll give these a go tonight and let you know if I sort it, will try your tip. Thanks very much.

You can't do that! You can only connect one 'master' powerline adapter to the hub with multiple 'slaves'. No wonder you are having problems.

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Message 12 of 14

Re: What router works with bt tv/youview and has qos?

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Not sure where you heard that. Works fine. 

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Message 13 of 14

Re: What router works with bt tv/youview and has qos?

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Clearly not.

You will be creating all sorts of Ethernet loops doing that. Powerlne adapters are designed to work with only one connected to the router.

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Message 14 of 14

Re: What router works with bt tv/youview and has qos?

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Very interesting and surprising that it works with multiple master adapters.

Clearly the Hub doesn't support IGMP Snooping whereas the 9970 does so passes the requested data stream to the correct (& requesting) adapter.

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