Message 1 of 6

What was the point?

Hi all. New here and sick of trying to contact the fault people so thought I would ask on here.

I am now working from home and was struggling with a 6mbs broadband speed. Using Skype for work meetings I missed half the conversations as the quality was dreadful so I decided to go to fibre. Unfortunately  the only suppliers that would set me up were BT.  Anyway, eventually I was connected with 50mbs and I thought my Skype issue would be a distant memory but no. It is no better at all and my work laptop regularly is reconnecting to the network.  Does anyone else have similar problems?

I have done video calls on my old slow internet but cannot use Skype purely in audio even with 50mbs.

Also, does anybody know why I suddenly could not dial 03300 numbers on my landline? Was using it instead of Skype but now it just says number not recognised.

Thanks in desperation.

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Message 2 of 6

Re: What was the point?


If you are using the BT Smart Hub 2, then make sure you disable Smart Setup, as it can cause problems.


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Message 3 of 6

Re: What was the point?


Thanks Keith. I have switched that off. Will try anything as I am so annoyed by the whole BT experience. 

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Message 4 of 6

Re: What was the point?

It's also worth checking to see if the problem only occurs on wireless connected devices and not on Ethernet connected devices, as the wireless options on the smart hub 2, can give issues with dual band wireless devices.


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Message 5 of 6

Re: What was the point?

Cheers @Keith_Beddoe 

I was contemplating trying to link power socket thingies. When I do a signal strength test I get about -15 when stood next to the hub in the hall and about -50 where I have the laptop and monitor set up. Could that  be an issue?

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Message 6 of 6

Re: What was the point?

@Ihatebbloodyt wrote:

Cheers @Keith_Beddoe 

I was contemplating trying to link power socket thingies. When I do a signal strength test I get about -15 when stood next to the hub in the hall and about -50 where I have the laptop and monitor set up. Could that  be an issue?

Yes, you would be lucky to get a reliable speed at that signal level.

The BT Home Hotspot 600 units are quite good. They give you a separate wireless network, and two Ethernet ports.

If your laptop has an Ethernet port, then you can connect it directly to it.

If you do not need the wireless feature, then the Broadband extender 600 is slightly cheaper.


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