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Message 1 of 28

When using alternate internet connection (travelling) Outlook365 keeps asking for User/Password

When at home, on my BT internet connection BT email works fine.

But, when connected to an alternative internet connection, so when travelling, which is when email is rather important, all I get is a repeated pop-up asking me to 'Enter you user name and password for the following server' - with all the correct details already filled-in...

Even re-entering the correct details does nothing.

And yes, the server settings are correct, as per:

(But as the BT email works when at home, I would be very surprised if 'settings' were the issue...)

What is the problem?

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Message 2 of 28

Re: When using alternate internet connection (travelling) Outlook365 keeps asking for User/Password

Hi @eugene7 welcome to the community and thanks for posting, I'm sorry to see you're having problems with your BT email. If you're abroad the IP address of the broadband connection you're using may be blocked as suspicious for example, if it's been used to send spam in the past. 

Does logging into webmail at work for you?



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Message 3 of 28

Re: When using alternate internet connection (travelling) Outlook365 keeps asking for User/Password

The same happens on my phone, using any of the email clients.

An yes, I can log-in to when using the same internet connection, with no issues.

This issue - being asked repeatedly to re-enter Username and Password - happens a lot. Far more than the issue being the IP address of the internet connection.

Other people staying at the same hotel had the exact same issues, and it meant they could not receive their UK PLF (Passenger Locator Forms) for travel back to the UK!

This is an issue BT needs to fix once and for all.

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Message 4 of 28

Re: When using alternate internet connection (travelling) Outlook365 keeps asking for User/Password

I have checked the IP address (v6 and v4) for the internet service being used.

The v6 address is not listed on any spam database.

The v4 is listed on only 2.

Do you really think that would be the issue?

IPv6: 2a02:587:d81e:ae41:1536:57c0:759c:7079





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Message 5 of 28

Re: When using alternate internet connection (travelling) Outlook365 keeps asking for User/Password

Hi, @eugene7  I checked IPv4: and it's showing on three spam blocklists, I'd be confident that is the issue. Your Hotel will need to make arrangements with their ISP to report this and either get the IP removed from the blocklists or be allocated a new IP to prevent further problems.



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Message 6 of 28

Re: When using alternate internet connection (travelling) Outlook365 keeps asking for User/Password

Why can BT not delist the IP address?

That is far easier than trying to get any hotel to sort the issue, if that is really the issue.

And as no other email service I use has the same issues as BT, that points to something else being the problem anyway.

ONLY BT internet has this issue.

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Message 7 of 28

Re: When using alternate internet connection (travelling) Outlook365 keeps asking for User/Password

So I now have this error message:

Task 'Synchronizing subscribed folders for *****' reported error (0x800CCC0E) : 'Outlook cannot synchronize subscribed folders for ******* Error: Cannot connect to the server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

Seriously, this is appalling support form BT.

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Message 8 of 28

Re: When using alternate internet connection (travelling) Outlook365 keeps asking for User/Password

This is a total joke - some days/hours BT internet works using the local internet connection we have here in Greece.

Other days/hours is doesn't.

And yet the 'Spam' status of the IP address being used doesn't change.

Something is VERY wrong with the BT servers!

No other email provided i am using, and I have quite a few, has any such issues.




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Message 9 of 28

Why does BT Internet Email refuse to connec to different hotspots?

As per the title, BT Internet email refused to connect to most hotspots when away from home.

All other email providers have no issues, but 9 times out of 10 BT Internet email keeps asking for your Username and Password to be entered, even though they are already entered, and are correct.

Why can BT not sort this ongoing problem?

A simple search of the forums show many users suffering the same issues time and again...

This really is not acceptable.

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Message 10 of 28

Re: Why does BT Internet Email refuse to connec to different hotspots?



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