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Message 1 of 8

Where can I PM a noisy line fault?

The line is really noisy with crackle, bleeps and even sounds like the wind blowing a gale down the line sometimes!

The line is underground all the way (no T poles) and I've done all the tests.  NTE5 socket, no extension wiring at all.



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Message 2 of 8

Re: Where can I PM a noisey line fault?

you should phone CS 151 and report noisy line  0800800150 from mobile

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Message 3 of 8

Re: Where can I PM a noisy line fault?

Thanks but cannot use a mobile.

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Where can I PM a noisey line fault?

you could use you phone with the crackle or you could try

Broadband | BT Help

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Where can I PM a noisy line fault?

Thanks but can't find a PM option on the BT site. Is there one in the BT ID at all? I couldn't find one anywhere. I'm quite tired of talking to these people on the phone, jumping through the hoops.  Why can't they just fix their copper network when it's reported as faulty?

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Where can I PM a noisy line fault?

there should have been an online chat/contact us link  just phone 151 much easier

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Where can I PM a noisy line fault?

Yes I tried the chat, that was a nightmare too. Spent ages asking me for all this and that ID etc. Got fed up in the end. It's not like the problem is at this end. It's BT's faulty long lines. The ADSL modem/router is up and down like a yoyo. Have to keep picking up the landline for 10-15 secs until it resyncs.

Thing is, they sent out a pair of "engineers" to fix the problem but they never did, and that's 6 months ago. Why oh why can't they actually inspect and remake the connections on the line or swap to a "spare pair"? All they seem to want to do is get into the house so they can make up some nonsense and bang £85 charge on the bill. 😞

Come to think of it, I think I tried 151 before which is why they ended up sending out the "engineers", only to jump through hoops, then their "tests", until they finally started chuntering their way through some disclaimer nonsense and mentioning an £85 charge.  That's charming that is, £85 to fix their own network when I'm already coughing up money for nearly a year.  Beggars belief!

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Message 8 of 8

Re: Where can I PM a noisy line fault?

Although you are probably someone who has done the necessary self checks to establish the problem is ‘external’ and not on your own equipment or wiring, unfortunately there are many that don’t, and if OR attended a ‘fault’ , and there was nothing wrong on what Openreach are responsible for , and a visit charge is to be raised ( primarily for the consumer wasting OR’s time ) then confirmation that the person raising the fault is authorised to do so, and is aware of the potential for charges if the fault isn’t anything to do with OR is necessary,  there isn’t gong to be a system where the consumer can just say attend and fix it, as they could claim to be unaware of the possible charges if they waste OR’s time, or say it wasn’t the account holder that reported the fault.

If you don’t want to speak to anyone about this , AFAIK, there is an option , via your on line account to test the line and if it detects a problem , raising a fault, if the line tests OK ( some faults are not easily detected by the automated tester ) you may have to call , as the system won’t raise a fault on a line testing OK , because you won’t have accepted the potential for charges.