I have read a bit online here and there and it isnt really specified weather turning off Bt Wifi with fon will disable my actual wifi, such as weather my phone can connect to it etc. although it is hinted at that.
Basically all of my devices use a wireless connection to the router and will that be disabled if I opt out of "Bt Wi-Fi"? Regarding that, is "Bt Wi-Fi" the same as with fon? it sounds like turning that off will disable all and any wireless connections to the router as it doesnt directly specify "With Fon".
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
No, it won't disable your normal WiFi.
Thanks for the reply,
I have just pressed "opt out" and nothing happens. I refresh the page, it still says I need to "opt out" and the same issue occurs when I press it. No error, nothing at all.
The opt-out does not happen right away and can take up to 28 days for it to be disabled in hub. Not usually that long just need to wait
Obviously you can connect to your own router, you wouldn’t normally connect to your own router with the ‘Fon’ part but you would use the ‘normal’ WiFi signal, opting out means that you won’t have access to other Fon hotspots when you are outside your routers range, so ( obviously) your phone wouldn’t connect to any BT WiFi with FON hotspots , part of the deal for access to these ‘free’ hotspots is making a small part of your bandwidth of your router available to other FON members if you don’t give you don’t receive.
I am perfectly aware of that, I never questioned if I would connect via a Fon integration - rather for someone to explain in specificity what it results in. Its extremely vauge, in addition to confusing people to assume opt out of "Bt Wifi" means you no longer have a wireless connection. It never specified anything correlated to fon within the title and is overly vague within the description.
I imagine this to be done to prevent people opting out. At the end of the day I dont have anything against it as I like the idea, although within my circumstances its not a good idea. I live in an area which is the same building of a school, and I really dont need 40 people consistently trafficking my bandwidth even if its prioritised for my uses - if 40 people all use (I think max) 10 percent of bandwidth, even that small number, that will add up significantly (40 x 10) as its not just 1 or 2 people.