Message 1 of 3

Wiring to WHW discs

As signal and setup seems **bleep** in general relying solely on WiFi...The BT online help states this 


"Can I connect more than one disc to my hub (router) using the Ethernet cables?

If you're using Whole Home Wi-Fi or Mini Whole Home Wi-Fi, you can. If you wish, you can locate a disc a long distance from your hub (router) - for example, in an outbuilding - and have an Ethernet cable connection back to your hub (router). Just plug in the cable in the disc’s RJ45 socket and it'll join your Whole Home Wi-Fi network."


However, when I tried wiring ethernet to all 3 discs ( via switches ), yes they all go blue and eventually say excellent signal, but a lot of the wireless devices try and connect only to a single disc and strangely the furthest disc away from the wireless devices.. And some WiFi devices do not connect at all, even though they are quite close to other discs.

I've CCTV cameras that are WiFi I want better signal at, but these little mesh discs really are not performing.


There really doesn't seem to be any "meshing" involved here, with devices connecting to the closest disc.


Why are there no proper instructions for these things ?

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Wiring to WHW discs

Is it WHW or Premium WHW that you have?

Only one disc can have a wired backhaul to the router with Premium WHW then, if the wireless link is not good enough, you have to daisy chain them.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Wiring to WHW discs

It's the WHO 3 disc set, the little mini discs.


From messing about, it certainly seems that if I hardwire ethernet to  other than the primary disc, it all falls apart. The additional wired discs lose internet connectivity, or at least lost connectivity in general. There doesn't seem to be any consistency to it really.


I tried repositioning yet again, tried operating them in series, with the first hardwired...and although the 2 unwired showed orange, they did seem to work.


I tried plugging ethernet into Disc 2...and although a WiFi camera did connect to it, actual communication to the camera was lost. If I unplug the ethernet cable, it comes back

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