A few years ago I added BT Broadband to my BT phone. Previously my Broadband was supplied by Tiscali/TalkTalk. I then updated all my contact details to use my spanky new btinternet.com email address. However, despite my records all looking fine online when I look at 'My BT' I am still getting some emails sent to my old Tiscali email address. I only log in to this once in a blue moon and have just discovered that my BT TV channels are changing! As all my data looks fine from my end, it looks to me (as someone who worked in IT for a decade) that the most likely culprit is a rogue bit of data somewhere which has the old email address on it that needs deleted. How to do I get this changed? I would like all my email to come to my current email address obviously! Cheers in advance.
I have moved you onto the Billing/Package board because your problem is not a fault with your email account but rather the wrong email address being stored somewhere on the BT system.
Have you tried contacting BT on 0800.800.150 and asking for the billing team. They should be able to check your BT Package and the email addresses that associated with all aspects of it and ensure that the correct email address is entered.
Meanwhile as you still have access, you could set up "Forwarding" in your Tiscali/TalkTalk email account so that all emails that are sent to that are forwarded to your BT email account.