Message 1 of 3

Yahoo Finance

I am having problems in accessing My Profile on Yahoo Finance, when I click 'sign on' on the Finance page it goes direct to the BT Mail sign on  point and not the Finance section.

Please tell me how to gain access to my pages on Yahoo Finance.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Yahoo Finance

Dear All

A disaster has just occurred. my access to Yahoo Finance through bt email has just ceased - WITH NO WARNING. 

I have been using this service for approx 7 years - it is my main source of data for all my investments and trading activities.  Yahoo Help desk - tell me there is NOTHING I can do to recover my data.  I have even opened a yahoo email account in the hope - but NO ....It SEEMS to be a YAhoo issue.... although I'm not convinced

This will cost me months to recover ... any suggestions please ?

Has anybody else suffered this issue ?

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Yahoo Finance

The link between BT email and yahoo finance seems to have been permanently destroyed WITHOUT (in my case) ANY WARNING from either BT or yahoo. It would appear that I have lost approx seven years worth of important data. 

Both yahoo and BT say 'nothing we can do' ... the young man from yahoo added that the data may have been destroyed. 

If anybody can offer any suggestions - I'd be VERY grateful ! 

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