PC Desktop Update failed; uninstalled...so, where do I get it re-installed...it seems VERY hard to find an instal for PC desktop...it's all damn phones....make sure you e-mail all users when this fix is rolled out with a download link too...ta! JD!!!!!!!
sorry I am sure your post makes sense to you but what pc update failed?
HI..the one on the 4th Dec to 20.1.6 or whatever it was; I have seen their note about 'there will be a fix later this week'....but I un-installed the program thinking it had been broken 'here' somehow (I can break anything!)...so...no Cloud for me at the moment (as it 'seems' really difficult to find a downlaod for desktop app on a PC anyway!). Franky, I can't believe that an update was put out that is/was 'broken'..doesn't anyone 'test' these things first???..that is apalling 😞 Regards J x
did you read the cloud update at the top of this board
HI IM..yes I did...note my comment re 'their note re a fix etc etc'....did you not get that??? regards J
No. Your post are not very clear
like others just need to wait for BT/Mods to update