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Message 1 of 7

w league overrun BT Sport 1

the BT TV and BT Sport Apps appear not to be aware of the W League Grand Final Overrun this morning and are identifying the live programming  streams incorrectly.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: w league overrun BT Sport 1

My expectation would be for the BT TV EPG to be changed to reflect the longer duration of the live event and this to be reflected in BT TV streams.

For BT Sport App my expectation would be to have a tile reflecting the available live event stream. in progress even if it was overrunning. During the overrun period ie 9:30 am to c 10 am I would expect still to be offered the current live event. however that could only be access by selecting the live BT sport 1 steam tile which was actually a tile of cricket highlights.


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Message 3 of 7

Re: w league overrun BT Sport 1

Whilst I agree it would be nice for the app to update with real-time values, it's mostly just a presentation issue.
Anyone who was already watching it would know that it had overrun and continue watching it. Those who didn't can't be that bothered about watching it, surely? No one is going to join just to see the overrun?
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Message 4 of 7

Re: w league overrun BT Sport 1

What about those unable to watch live but recording it to watch later or on chase-play? They will be affected by the active recording not recognising the over-run which is a long-standing bug on the Youview box for channels not using the Accurate Recording system.

A tad arrogant to assume that everyone is able to watch live if they want to.

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Message 5 of 7

Re: w league overrun BT Sport 1

We're just talking about the app here - not the YouView box.

I agree that it's important that the EPG is updated, however I don't know if the YouView box has the ability to refresh data that frequently. This is what EIT/PF is for (which you've referred to as Accurate Recording - not a term I'd seen before), but last I knew, it isn't supported over multicast. That means options are limited. I don't know what the answer is here ... but I don't work on set top box anymore, so I'm not involved in their plans.
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Message 6 of 7

Re: w league overrun BT Sport 1


Thank you for responses .

No one is going to join just to see the overrun?

viewing habits differ.

For example if I access the BT Sport app just after 9:30 am this morning looking for something to watch then If offered the conclusion of the w League Grand Final I might well choose  to watch. if it’s not presented to me then  because the app is not aware that live stream is still in progress then I only find it by casually going thru the live channel streams and finding it under programming titled  NZ Women’s cricket highlights.

As for the Youview EPG Guide updates I did think that from   as far back November 2017 there was a mechanism  announced for this to occur for live overrunning BT Sport programmes ). this seems to occur at times and not at other times. Another  viewing habit I have is if watching something  and need to go  outside and do something else I would hit the record button expecting to capture the remainder of the sports broadcast.


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Message 7 of 7

Re: w league overrun BT Sport 1

OK, I've raised a ticket to discuss with the wider team tomorrow. For events that are in the enhanced player, there's a team there watching it and manually signal when it ends. For events like this morning, I don't know if that level of detail is available, or whether the app has access to any real-time data feeds to confirm the event end time.
I'll update here when I know more.