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Message 1 of 4

BT Mini connector - expected speed??

I bought a 4 pack of the BT Mini connector 1000 Mbps 1Gb Powerline adaptors back in 2021.

They seem to function, but I have recently installed Sky Stream in two rooms and they are suffering from buffering 

(slow internet??). So I measured the speed.

On my main PC - (wired directly to the router) I get 150Mbps.

On the nearer Stream box  connected to a connector I am getting 50Mbps

On the farther Stream I only get 30Mbps - but I have noted the occasional red light on the connector (so a bit iffy)

The point to point distances a of stream one and two from the router (and adjacent connector 'master') are no more than 15 foot and 25 foot. Both are on the ground floor and all wiring is in the ceiling.

Is this sort of degradation to be expected?????

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Message 2 of 4

Re: BT Mini connector - expected speed??

Are all mini connectors plugged directly into the same ring main (so no extension leads or spurs) and not (for example) two different rings albeit that both rings may be fed from the same distribution unit

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Message 3 of 4

Re: BT Mini connector - expected speed??

As far as I am aware all connectors are on the downstairs ring main. All are plugged directly into the sockets and the "remote" ones do not have any plugs plugged into the connector - but the master has something plugged "through" it

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Message 4 of 4

Re: BT Mini connector - expected speed??

They work by transmitting radio frequencies down the mains wiring. As they all share the same frequency allocations, the more you add, the slower the speed.

Mains wiring is a very poor transmission medium for radio frequencies, and there will be lots of signal reflections from unterminated parts of the ring main, which will degrade the signal and cause errors, resulting in re-transmissions. This will affect the throughput.

Distance does not always have any bearing on this. Its purely down to the way the signal is propagated.


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