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Message 1 of 8

Can't access BT Whole Home Wifi config at http://mybtdevice.home/

I've had alot of problems with devices disconnecting from my BT Whole Home Wifi network and not being able to reconnect. I always try power cycling the device in question first, then restarting the BT Whole Home Wifi network, then rebooting the router. 

Today I have a TP-Link smart bulb which won't reconnect even after all of the above, and this time I am unable to access my console at http://mybtdevice.home/ (the URL is not recognised). This is despite power cycling all four of the discs individually. All of the discs are connected via ethernet, and show "Excellent connection" in the BT app. Other devices connected to the network (e.g. phones) have good internet connection, so the network seems to be functioning.

Any idea why I can't access http://mybtdevice.home/? (from either a desktop connected via ethernet or a phone on wifi). I have the original (large) white discs.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Can't access BT Whole Home Wifi config at http://mybtdevice.home/

Hello again.

If you mean the web front end which is a slightly more feature filled version of the the mobile app you can access it by just visiting the IP address of the master disc.

Get the IP address of the master disc from the app by looking at its properties then just open a browser on a desktop and visit http://192.168.x.x              assuming your current subnet follows that format replacing the X's with what you have, either way itll get you to the admin page of the wholehome setup.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 3 of 8

Re: Can't access BT Whole Home Wifi config at http://mybtdevice.home/

I still have this problem, but entering the IP address of the master disc (as shown in the Android app) doesn't work. I can ping the IP address but I can't access it from a web browser (Chrome or Edge) on Windows 11.

Is there any other way of accessing the web admin  console??


EDIT: I've tried accessing one of the other discs, and am being prompted for the password, but the admin password (from the label on the back of the disc) is being rejected


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Message 4 of 8

Re: Can't access BT Whole Home Wifi config at http://mybtdevice.home/

I've had more luck with http://btwhole.home
However, this only works with a device connected by ethernet to a Wholehome disc - not to the hub or router, and you need to enter the admin passsword for that disc.
When you try to access it via a device connected to the hub/router, it asks for the Username, which is not known.
However, access via the cellphone app, or on a cellphone via a web browser, requires only the admin password to be input.
All very odd but seems to be a "feature" of the Wholehome mesh system.
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Message 5 of 8

Re: Can't access BT Whole Home Wifi config at http://mybtdevice.home/

Provided all your discs are running in one network with the same wifi credentials then when you access one of the other discs, even if that disc has a different admin user and pass on the still need to enter the admin user and pass from the master disc, although seemed different to what @chrisjp mentioned it worked for me. I always accessed my wholehome setup via the master disc IP when wanted to visit the web gui, I hadnt used the URL, mostly because I forgot it and I always knew the IP. Indeed from memory the master did from time to time stop allowing this, at which point it was possible to go via the IP on one of the other discs, alot of mine where connected via ethernet so I cant confirm if this worked when one was via WIFI only, I cant remember.

To solve this it was usually just a case of powering off all the discs, powering on the master and waiting for it to come online before then powering on the rest. In the event of a power cut causing all discs to go down or just the master disc this is generally always problematic. Its one of the things I hated about wholehome, if there was a power cut i'd need to shut down everything and spend time powering on each disc one by one and also their related WIFI devices to ensure they connected to the right one. If you have more than the master disc connected via ethernet then this is great generally as the ethernet backhaul far outperforms the WIFI, however again if you have a power cut or you power off the master the one that remains connected via ethernet or boots up quicker will then become 'sort of' the master. This is usually possible to see from the 'Network Diagram' in the app, youll see a different disc at the top.

To summarize, for me it was just a case of powering off all discs and making sure the master was fully online before powering on others, I had to do this at least once a month for various reasons, Wholehome did help us though for a long period of time until I eventually got fed up after having our first child, I no longer wanted to faff around with it so just setup something that will always work. 

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 6 of 8

Re: Can't access BT Whole Home Wifi config at http://mybtdevice.home/

Thanks for the feedback. Trying to access the console always feels like a game of whack-a-mole - I never know which disc is currently the master, or what IP addresses are assigned to each disc - I usually end up using the Android app to find/try each disc's IP address in turn.

I was thinking of assigning static IP addresses to the discs - is there any downside to doing this?

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Can't access BT Whole Home Wifi config at http://mybtdevice.home/

I gave all mine static IP's, well I just reserved the IP's they got from the DHCP server after they got them.

To discover which is acting as master you just need to look in the app and see which one is at the top. In the app go to Settings then Network Map. Sometimes mine would switch around as I mentioned in my other point.


BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 8 of 8

Re: Can't access BT Whole Home Wifi config at http://mybtdevice.home/

Thanks - I will do the same

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