I have had several different answers from BT on whether when going fibre with copper to the house I can still use my old router. This is a voyager 220. If not that router then what would be applicable. I do not want a smart hub and do not want to use wifi as I prefer ethernet. Would I also be able to still use my old landline phone. Yes a dinosaur.
I would appreciate an answer to this issue.
Welcome to this user forum for BT Retail phone and broadband customers.
The Voyager 220 is an ADSL device and will not work with FTTC (Fibre to copper)
There are plenty of other routers that work with FTTC, but if you want a phone service, then you have to use the BT Smart Hub 2, as the phone service is carried over the broadband connection.
You can plug an old landline phone into the Smart Hub 2, provided it uses tone dialling.