Can someone tell me what needs to go back to escape the £50 charge.
I have received the bag (more like a sack) and label.
MyBT account online says - You need to return these items -SmartHub2 (with serial number specified).
My question is, just the SmartHub or everything that came originally, i.e. power adaptor, RJ11line/lead that goes into router, ADSL splitter/filter, Ethernet cable etc?
Any advice appreciated, trying to avoid BT maximising their profits.
Just the Smarthub2.
I’m just about to return my SmartHub 2 and was wondering whether there is any personal info retained on the hub, and how to erase it if there is?
you can press the reset button on back of hub and hold for 20/30 secs until hub lights flash and that will return hub to how you received it remember to get receipt of posting
I just pressed the "reset" to go back to the default settings.
As someone has mentioned, keep your receipt. I was getting worried, BT took 6 weeks to acknowledge return.