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Message 1 of 23

Home Hub clicking noises

I appreciate that others have reported identical issues on these forums - I found the answer posted here rather interesting.

However, in my own case, I have noticed an interesting correlation.

Whenever I mention the Home Hub clicking to the people at the BT Consumer Resolution office (even in passing) within a couple of hours the clicking ceases. The silence lasts for a few days and then gradually returns to the previous frequency (four or five times per hour).

Whilst correlation does not equal causation this has occured on at least four occasions. Hence we are moving away from mere coincidence and towards this occuring more probably as a result of some action undertaken by or on behalf of BT.

I know that they have, on previous occasions, attempted (sometimes unsuccessfully) to access my Home Hub. I know because they have advised me of the fact.

Presumably they use Port 8085 / TR-069 ?

I am just wondering what action they might be taking and at what point in the network (router / cabinet / frame etc), to result in such an outcome ?

It's bugging me.



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Message 2 of 23

Re: Home Hub clicking noises

The hub is accessed via TR-069 to update firmware and to obtain connection stats from the hub. It should not cause the hub to drop connection nor cause any clicking.

I'm dubious about the answer given in the thread you posted on, disconnecting and re-connecting my hub does not cause any clicking noises nor have I experienced any. I suspect if it was a common problem rather than the symptoms of a faulty hub, there would be many more posts on the forum.

I have removed your duplicate post and moved this post to a more appropriate board.

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Message 3 of 23

Re: Home Hub clicking noises

Thank you for removing my duplicate post. My apologies for that - I rarely post on forums - I fear that it shows.

I am also slightly dubious regarding the answer to which I linked. I believed that the original poster described the phenomenon better than I so included the link to assist anyone attempting to answer this post.

The only reason I can envisage that would cause solid state electronics to make any noise is expansion / contraction secondary to temperature. I suppose it is possible for this to occur to the degree necessary when electrical current is appplied.

Hence I have given the answer stated within the linked post the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

It is perhaps worth noting that, on the two occassions I have forwarded that answer to the Consumer Resolution office, they have never queried the accuracy of the information or offered any alternative explanation.

I am aware of the official purpose for TR-069.

I have viewed presentations by noted speakers regarding this purpose although speculation and debate continues regarding whether it is employed for any other purpose.

Nevertheless BT staff acknowledge that they have, on occasion,  sought access to my Home Hub. Hence I am curious as to how this is accomplished in addition to the ceasation of the clicking whenever I raise the issue.

"Curiouser and curiouser" said Alice.




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Message 4 of 23

Re: Home Hub clicking noises

I see that Home Hub clicking in general is a commonly reported issue on these fourms. A quick search provided seventy four results.


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Message 5 of 23

Re: Home Hub clicking noises

I wouldn't call74 reports over a period of 5/6 years from a customer base of several million, common.

I would call customer services and insist on a replacement hub.

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Message 6 of 23

Re: Home Hub clicking noises

When referring to the seventy four results I did include the quantifier - "on these forums". My point being our experience is far from unique.

The hub has been replaced three times. On each occassion I believe the replacement unit has been a newer model.

Do you work for BT ?

Off-topic: How do I turn off notification by email every time I receive a reply ?



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Message 7 of 23

Re: Home Hub clicking noises

If you have had replacement hubs then unlikely all hubs had same fault.  I have heard so e clicks on my SH2 but only happened when my hub had been restarted and was trying to establish my internet connection.  Once connected then never had any further clicks.

The only BT employees on the forum are the forum mods everyone else are customers just like you.

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Message 8 of 23

Re: Home Hub clicking noises

As 'Liquorice' was able to delete one post and move another I believe he or she has moderator privilages. Hence my question - "Do you work for BT ?".

Matt-S who provided the answer in the post to which I originally linked was a moderator (now retired). Another reason why, although slightly sceptical, I still gave his answer the benefit of the doubt.

"If you have had replacement hubs then unlikely all hubs had same fault." I don't believe that I ever actually stated the clicking to be a 'fault'.

The two previous Home Hubs did not emit any audiable sound. They were replaced by BT, in reasonably close succession, for other reasons.

"Go to your preferences by selecting your avatar and change setting there". That much I was able to deduce for myself. Where to find that setting was the mystery.



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Message 9 of 23

Re: Home Hub clicking noises

In preferences untick 'automatically subscribe'

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Message 10 of 23

Re: Home Hub clicking noises

I found it, have unchecked the box and saved the setting.

Many thanks - much appreciated.


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