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Message 1 of 15

Phone showing International calls

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Why does my BT home phone now suddenly start showing up international calls followed by a random number.  My phone number is programed in the phone but eveytime I ring it from my phone it's appearing with the international calls. Is there anyway to stop this as we can't tell who's ringing as the mobile number doesn't show up just a random number.  12345678901234567

Message 2 of 15

Re: Phone showing International calls

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Who provides your phone service?

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Message 3 of 15

Re: Phone showing International calls

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My mobile provider is Vodafone but it shows up no matter the provider. But my landline is bt.


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Message 4 of 15

Re: Phone showing International calls

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I came on here to post exactly the same thing. Mine started doing this yesterday. I did call BT this morning but after being on hold for ages gave up. Everything says I have caller display set up, I've done the *#234# and it says its enabled. Literally nothing has changed. I have BT home phones but can't imagine there is anything wrong with them, it has to be BT sending the number to my phone. 

Where abouts are you @Kieran42 ? Wonder if its a locality problem. I am in a village in South Norfolk.

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Message 5 of 15

Re: Phone showing International calls

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My BT landline phone is showing 'INTERNATIONAL' on a date and time in the future and is altering the date and time on my handset.  This is happening each time a local caller who is in my address list calls.  I think this is a problem at the exchange with date and time stamps for 'Caller Dislay'.  I am also in a village in South Norfolk!

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Message 6 of 15

Re: Phone showing International calls

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Yeah our phone only started playing up yesterday, I live in a village in North Norfolk.  But when I ring my landline the date and time stays at the correct time and date


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Message 7 of 15

Re: Phone showing International calls

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Have just had another call from a random caller and same thing has happened.  It's showing the same number that you mentioned but date and time stamp is 5 DEC 13-21.  I've decided not to alter the time on the handset anymore as it's getting a bit tedious.  I can only surmise this is a problem at the exchange - possibly Attleborough in my case.  Not sure how to report this - don't feel like holding on for hours to speak to someone.

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Message 8 of 15

Re: Phone showing International calls

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Mine is showing the correct dates and times but its every single call I get showing as international 012345678901234567. I have tweeted the BT help page also and someone has asked me to DM them my details, so hoping they will be able to find out more. I've sent them the link to this thread also. 

I'm guessing my local exchange would be in Loddon but my sister lives down the road and hers is fine. 

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Message 9 of 15

Re: Phone showing International calls

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Is there any point being on this 'forum'. I  have had a 'reply' from RobbieMac (Moderator) which I apparently do not have enough 'priviledges'  for this resource to view the reply.  I assume it is information about the problem.  I would have thought the extortionate cost of my BT phone and broadband package was sufficient to allow me priviledges. 

Please just get someone at BT to sort out the problem!!!

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Message 10 of 15

Re: Phone showing International calls

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the only people on the forum that are BT employees are the Mods and you are already dealing with one.  have you tried using a different browser and see if that helps you reply to mod ensuring you are signed in

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