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Message 71 of 120

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C now live

I have come to this thread late so please forgive ignorance to all the discussed issues. I got here after googling the software version in my disc's, i.e. all seem to have SGAB20832C

I might have made a big mistake but I recently bought another pack of 3 Premium discs to add to the 3 discs I already had  to extend the coverage to some other areas of the house. We have really thick stone walls.

To be sure they were going to work even better by having a back-haul connection I have also added a fair few Wired Ethernet outlets around the house which all run back to 12 port switch I have. So only 1 of the 5 now installed relies on the wireless back-haul.

However I am now finding that the discs drop out multiple times a day (I get the red light and the App says I need to troubleshoot all the time), the WiFi goes flakey (the buffering symbol!).

Also the disc I set up to be the master is no longer the master !! Indeed it seems 'roam' around from one disc to the next.

I can be sure of this because although the discs are still using the default DHCP option I have configured my router to always serve up the same IP address to each disc according to its MAC address.

So my question : Is all this disc malarkey of dropping in and out and giving a **** wifi experience due to all the hassle I read above ?

Is there any point contacting BT support ?

Should just start insisting on getting my money back for 6 units I have ?


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Message 72 of 120

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C now live

Try wireless back-haul, I think alot of issues are caused by multiple discs connecting with Ethernet BH. (Just my thoughts/opinion as to why this forum is not full of very annoyed customers). 

Other than that grab refund ASAP, go get something that works. I am going to make the move to unifi this summer, waited long enough for this fairy tale firmware. 

Message 73 of 120

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C now live

Yepp, I have Unifi Router, might as well get their WiFi option too.
The reason I put the Wired back haul in was because I could not get the wireless to work through 2' of stone very well.... So if I have to go back to Wireless there is no point to having the BT discs.
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Message 74 of 120

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C now live

I had a 3 pack of the premium wholehome discs some months ago but for some reason some devices refused to connect after sometime. It would connect and disconnect. I read this might have been something to do with DHCP.

Can anyone tell me if the non premium wifi suffers from this issue?

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Message 75 of 120

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C now live

The very first BTWH1 AC2600 are solid as a rock although a little outdated now but provide good solid stable whole home coverage and speed. Never tested mini discs but these premium disc are pants stay away... far far away is my advice, I always expected BT to provide a good stable firmware for the premium disc but just empty promises and bad FW, we will never get a stable FW release leaving it over 12 months between firmware releases.

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Message 76 of 120

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C now live

Thanks for the info. How is the complete wifi (black disc) compared to the ac2600 for stability?

0 Ratings
Message 77 of 120

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C now live

The Black Wifi6 discs are garbage,  stay away - mine are in the cupboard gathering dust waiting on the long promised magical unicorn firmware that's going to fix all the worlds problems, well I assume that's what is going to do as its taken so long to appear. The Gen One discs on the other hand are rock solid and the main reason I went for the Wifi6 was assuming they would be as good but faster speeds between discs, I'm sorely disappointed. 

0 Ratings
Message 78 of 120

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C now live

The black discs that only work with the Smart Hub 2 are rubbish. I chucked them in a draw and bought the white premium discs, they were rubbish too but at least I got my money back. Currently using a TP-Link router with Amazon eero Pro 6 mesh wifi. Not perfect but almost always works adequately.

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Message 79 of 120

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C now live

Thanks everyone for the info. I'm getting FTTP installed and I wanted a good system. Anyone think a TP-Link Deco system like X55 would be decent choice? I ask because I'll need 3 sockets if I get this Gen1 wholehome (1 ont, 1 router, 1 for wholehome). Only 2 with something like a Deco.

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Message 80 of 120

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C now live

If I were starting again, knowing what I know now, I would probably get what I have now. Three eero pro 6 units (or Pro 6e). Actually, I'd probably stick with the Pro 6 as 2 x 5ghz channels and a 2.4ghz are probably better for me than 1 x 6ghz + 1 x 5ghz + 1 x 2.4ghz. Channels change quite frequently and you have no control over it, mine's currently using 10 + 36 + 120. Software updates are about every month and automatic, in fact there's not much you can do yourself which can be annoying, but I rarely have to restart devices etc. almost all of the time it just works and if there is a problem phone support (person not robot) is a couple of minutes away. As with anything Amazon, buy when they're on offer, I paid £307 for Pro 6 3-pack.



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