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Message 1 of 3

Reconnecting a BT phone in my new home


I’m hoping someone can help me or give me some advice, I’ve rang the help line and the person i spoke to couldn’t understand i word i was saying, must have been my Yorkshire accent.

We are moving into a home which had a BT phone, which has now been disconnected, we wish to reconnect it, but, we’ve been told we have to contact the last resident, she has to ring the help line and give her permission for us to do this?!!!!

i’m so confused, why do i need this person’s permission? I can’t ask her as she’s moved away and we don’t have any new contact details for her.

thanks if you can help me


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Message 2 of 3

Re: Reconnecting a BT phone in my new home

I suspect you have offered some unnecessary information to the BT representative and had a somewhat misleading answer ( or you have misunderstood ) 

You don’t need the ‘status’ of the  address you are moving into ( assuming it’s a standard dwelling, a house , flat etc. and not some type of a managed retirement home ) , you simply order whatever services you want , phone , broadband or both , the type of broadband available will be dictated by what  that area has available , fibre to the cabinet, fibre to the premises or ADSL .

If the address is shown as already having a working line , it takes longer to arrange as the the provider of that line needs to send a letter/ email to the occupant saying someone wants to take over the line , if the address is empty , that letter goes unanswered, so after a while , because no one objected , your service is provided , if there is no working service recorded, this letter isn’t needed so BT service can  be provided quicker

…you can order on line ( so you don’t speak to anyone )  , just put in the address and what type of service you want ) or speak to BT to order , but you don’t say a BT line exists , just that you are moving into the address and want service.

Message 3 of 3

Re: Reconnecting a BT phone in my new home

Thank you for replying, you have explained it far better than the centre that i rang.

i think i will be ordering online, it seems more simpler that way.


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