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Message 1 of 7

SmartHub2 - Clumsy

I've never understood why the Hubs are always these unstable wobbly objects with inaccessible connectors.  As I am about to use mine, is there any reason why I should not lie it flat with the cables easy to access?  It could then go on a shelf in a cupboard.  The only thing on the front is an LED which I've turned off. (I do understand why BT want to advertise but it is functionally daft),

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Message 2 of 7

Re: SmartHub2 - Clumsy

I don't know really but there might be considerations of ventilation not being so efficient with it lying face down (presumably). Perhaps cooling by convention currents of air passing when the hub is standing up gives it better cooling rather than lying flat with the leads pointing upwards. Others here will have their views, hopefully.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: SmartHub2 - Clumsy

I can  understand the heat issue but as the case has apertures all over the back it might cool even better.  No other piece of kit I've seen would use this unstable layout.  I'm a licensed radio amateur and have built many electronic systems.  If I had the possible five thick cables going in - those would weigh more than the SH2 - that's not stable.  I'm only changing to the SH2 because DV is coming in the next 30 days. Otherwise, I would have prefered to retain my modem and Deco mesh.  The SH2 is working in a cupboard - there will be only one out connection, to the mesh.  I don't use the SH2 wifi - that is turned off.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: SmartHub2 - Clumsy

It's your hub. Put it any where you want in any orientation you want. If it overheats or you get a poor signal just put it back to the way the designer and makers intended it to be sited.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 7

Re: SmartHub2 - Clumsy

Yes and if it conks out just buy another one from Amazon or ebay. Simples.
Happy Christmas.
0 Ratings
Message 6 of 7

Re: SmartHub2 - Clumsy

@gg30340  I know!  I'm just conscious that the upright design has no functional benefit other than putting a BT logo in front of potential customers.  I don't use the hub wifi so I can put it anywhere.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: SmartHub2 - Clumsy

Have you considered the wifi aerials will probably not be in the best place/orientation if laid flat, albeit not an issue for you if you have the wifi turned off.

I've had many incarnations of the BT hubs, including the Smarthub2, all of which had all the Ethernet ports used and were placed on a shelf and none of the hubs ever fell over.

In any event, it is what it is so I see no point in getting worked up about it as it ain't going to change and will no doubt be the last BT hub.