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Message 51 of 56

Re: Smarthub 2 restarting - options ?

I'm not an expert in this area, but I would suspect a lot has to do with the system actively managing the line to always try to give the best balance of speed and stability.  A 14 day reboot probably cleans up a lot of minor stabilty issues that are beginning to add up.  I've only ever known it to be during the early hours though, even when I had the old HH5.

Even when I ran my own Draytek I used to do a reboot once month but, of course, I would pick a time when it would pick up a decent speed again.

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Message 52 of 56

Re: Smarthub 2 restarting - options ?

@WSH  - thats fine for ADSL and VDSL - but I'm on Full Fibre. There is no line management for the SH2 to deal with. The Nokia ONT box deals with the Fibre.

I guess BT could have designed the SH2 for Copper lines and maybe rushed their FTTP / Full Fibre implementation re-using the SH2. As I keep saying, BT themselves dont know why I've had these issues with SH2 on Full Fibre & DV - so if they dont know its pretty worrying for customers that the actual Service Provider is clueless on this one. 

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Message 53 of 56

Re: Smarthub 2 restarting - options ?

One thing is absolutely certain, it isn't universal, not every Smart hub2 reboots every 14 days. Mine certainly doesn't.

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Message 54 of 56

Re: Smarthub 2 restarting - options ?

@stevie_b1  Good point.  I am looking at it from the FTTC point of view.  As I said the number and timing are not what I would regard as the "normal" routine reset.

@licquorice  Yes, as I said, I suspect it is a line stability thing.

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Message 55 of 56

Re: Smarthub 2 restarting - options ?

@WSH wrote:

@licquorice  Yes, as I said, I suspect it is a line stability thing.

No, I don't think it is as that wouldn't apply with FTTP lines.

Possibly to overcome memory leak.

Message 56 of 56

Re: Smarthub 2 restarting - options ?

Following my post on 6th Dec (20:57), I can confirm I'm moving to Vodafone.

It was looking promising with them. I will see how their "Intelligent" Hub is compared to the "Smart" Hub (who comes up with these names?!). They are often not that smart or intelligent !! haha

Anyway, I confirmed that BT are releasing me from my 24 month contract with no penalty.

I've also confirmed with Vodafone that if their Intelligent Hub does not perform well, I can use my own equipment with Vodafone for the router into the ONT, and also my own equipment for the VoIP line. Voda implenent standard VoIP protocols (SIP) and will release the details to configure in my own equipment if I need to.

I hope I dont have to use my own equipment, but at least I know I have options. Full Fibre 500 incl. Voice (still on Openreach). 

I know some people say customer service is poor - but its poor with BT / EE as well - so all I care about is some technical flexiblity. The BT service would have been fine were it not for the Smart Hub 2 and the lack of customer services / technical support.

Hopefully BT is listening.

Anyway, all the best forum members. Thanks for your support and merry christmas ! 

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