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Message 1 of 5

Whole Home Wifi - one out of five disks randomly drops out?

Hi I wonder if anyone can help.

I have the following set up

fttp and Homehub 6 wifi signal turned off

5 disk wholehome wifi set up all connected using the default topology

This has been working absolutely fine for ages except for a few days ago, the 'study disk' just dropped out. turned the router and disks off, did not disconnect the power. All good. Except for this morning. The same disk dropped out again. so, turned everything off including the PON box and removed all power cables. This happened shortly after 9am.

I've included the study disk log and the Hallway log (this is the uplink disk) to see if anyone can review and perhaps shed some light on the issue.

As fa as I can see, the study disk provides no clues as to the issue.

Many thanks.

Hallway disk (uplink)



Study disk (dropping out)




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Message 2 of 5

Re: Whole Home Wifi - one out of five disks randomly drops out?

Taken a quick look at your logs.  Does the study disk have an Ethernet connection to it by any chance (the log seems to suggest it does)?


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Message 3 of 5

Re: Whole Home Wifi - one out of five disks randomly drops out?

Hi, yes it does. This connects to a 5 port netgear switch that I then connect 2 x nas drives and a laptop dock. Normally works absolutely fine.

To muddy the waters a little more, I have also just upgraded to Full Fibre 500 Halo 3. But the above was happening before the upgrade.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Whole Home Wifi - one out of five disks randomly drops out?

So I have seen a spate of these sorts of issues with a few of my discs (including periodically the master disc) but interestingly only when a disc is connected via Ethernet.   If I unplug the Ethernet cable from the periodically restarting  (non-master) disc so it then uses the wireless backhaul the disc then appears to become stable again.

There is a related thread which suggests that the issue may be to do with the insufficiency of the BT supplied power adapter to keep the disc fed with a suitably stable current leaving the disc more susceptible to crashing and restarting due to fluctuations / transients on the mains feed.  Take a look at and see what you think.

There may be something in it all as I saw my master disc spontaneously restart the other night at the exact same moment that an electric fan plugged into a socket on the same spur was switched on.  An electric fan is certainly the sort of device that might create a small transient in feed current.

You may want to consider a 12V UPS or slightly beefier transformer as suggested in the thread to see if it cures your intermittent disc resets.

You may also want to see if there’s anything on your mains feed turning on at the time the disc is restarting ie any heating / cooling, electronic time switches or other loads that might create a fluctuation / transient.



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Message 5 of 5

Re: Whole Home Wifi - one out of five disks randomly drops out?

@j_a_c  That's an interesting read and thank you for the information. That could well be the problem!

also interestingly enough, having other items plugged in via the ethernet cable may also explain why the wifi speed is rubbish on disks away from the primary uplink disk. Should get minimum of 425mb, only getting 220mb. I'll unplug and test.

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