Just had bt full fibre installed yesterday. Received a message saying it will take 10 days for line the ‘stabilise’.
why does a full fibre line need 10 days for the line to stabilise? It’s not using the green cabinet/DLM so it should work fine from the get go?
Can I replace the adtran ONT with a Huawei or Nokia ONT? I’ve had problems with Adtran technology with previous ISPs. Lots of throughput issues and now that I’ve had BT Adtran ONT installed I feel that the Adtran tech is the issue as I’m experiencing the same throughput issues when gaming. Can I just purchase a Nokia or Huawei ONT from eBay and then activate it myself or have someone at BT remotely activate it? I’m on 74 down 20 up package. Thanks
There is no 10 day stabilisation period for FTTP.
No, you can't just replace your ONT.
It does not need to stabilise, you should get full speed right away.
You cannot change the ONT as the unique serial number is used to connect it to the network. Openreach will not allow you to fit your own, and would not register it anyway.
Its more likely that its the Smart Hub 2 which is introducing any delay.
No it can't. For a start it's not BT that are responsible for the ONT it's Openreach, secondly the ONT needs to match the head end technology and thirdly, as @Keith_Beddoe has said, the service is tied to an ONT serial number.
The signal reaching the ONT contains 30 customer's services so has to select the correct service.
Oh, and fourthly, any ONT on eBay will effectively have been stolen as the ONT is the property of Openreach.
Huawei are no longer a trusted vendor so no new equipment from them is installed anywhere on Openreach , legacy ONT already fitted are allowed to remain in situ
Adtran are a perfectly acceptable brand , so unfortunately if your preference is for Nokia that’s not going to affect what you are supplied with , and after the equipment is fitted you have no ‘right’ to request a change , you certainly can’t supply your own ONT and ask for it to be connected to the PON .
FWIW , upgrading to 1.8Gb service ( EE offer this in many locations ) requires an ONT change to a 2.5Gb capable one and AFAIK, they are Nokia , but if Adtran also make them and one was supplied, that would be no reason to reject it.
Technically, Nokia ONTs are compatible with Adtran headends ( and vis versa ) but it’s more likely to be Adtran headend , so even if your desire not to use Adtran equipment we’re catered for in your home , you still would probably be using Adtran anyway
More fool you. the Virgin Customer service is appalling but each to his own