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Message 1 of 7

BT short of Multi Skilled engineers to fix FTTP faults ?

So i have had a fault with my FTTP not working at all since install and having red PON on the ONT bt keep delaying coming out to fix it and the latest update is that OR have a shortage of multi skilled engineers that can deal with FTTP faults. I find this quite hard to believe and just wondering if anyone else has had the same issue ?


My next date for this to be reviewed is the 10th to see if its been fixed but not feeling hopeful.


Wish OR would communicate more with customers as hate going through BT as 3rd party to then be told they would contact OR.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: BT short of Multi Skilled engineers to fix FTTP faults ?

Many years ago , Openreach asked the regulator if having the ability to deal with end users directly, rather than everything going via the CP ( communication provider ) when it comes to installing and fault repair, was it something they would consider allowing, Ofcom as it usually the case , launched a consultation with CP’s to see if it were something they would like, the likes of Sky and Talk Talk said ‘No’ , their take on this was the end user  is our customer , not Openreach, and any interaction with the end user has to be via them ,

Ofcom told Openreach, that the existing rules would remain….its  a common set of rules , what Ofcom says applies to all.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: BT short of Multi Skilled engineers to fix FTTP faults ?

Hi ring though to technical support and ask them to book you a openreach engineer by the sounds of it if you're ont is red it seems like a bad splice. If regular technical support fail try and get put though to the fttp team directly 

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Message 4 of 7

Re: BT short of Multi Skilled engineers to fix FTTP faults ?


Hi ring though to technical support and ask them to book you a openreach engineer by the sounds of it if you're ont is red it seems like a bad splice. If regular technical support fail try and get put though to the fttp team directly 

Best bet is to go to the FTTP team directy 0800 587 4787, if directed to normal support hang up and try again until successful.

For the OP @ReapersReturn : It is most likely a network fault which would require a network engineer to resolve. A possible one is a contractor making the wrong configuration at the splitter that supplies you connection, it won't be the first time and can be quickly sorted once recognised.

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Message 5 of 7

Re: BT short of Multi Skilled engineers to fix FTTP faults ?

Thank you guys for the info, i will give them a call tomorrow.

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Message 6 of 7

Re: BT short of Multi Skilled engineers to fix FTTP faults ?

I can believe it.

Back in July City Fibre cabled up my street.  Talking to the guy wiring up the cab in the street, it turns out he is a Spaniard and can hardly speak English.  Looks like we must be short of engineers.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: BT short of Multi Skilled engineers to fix FTTP faults ?

@WSH  That could be taken as a racist remark. Why would a network install engineer who has no need to interact with the public have to speak English to the extent you need to understand? I worked with a Spanish chef many years ago and couldn't understand a quarter of what he said but we ended up very good friends in that we could still work with each other.

There are many different races resident in this Country are you saying only those who can speak English, who don't need to interact with the public can be engineers?

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