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Message 1 of 9

Can I contact Openreach directly

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I'm on day 5 of no broadband. Was advised it would be fixed yesterday but when I spoke to a BT advisor last evening they told me that it had not been possible to complete the fix and it would be scheduled for 8am today. Just spoke to BT again and this time it was like platting fog but the outcome was that all he could do was review again tomorrow!

I appreciate that faults happen but I've raised a complaint because of the way this is being dealt with.

Anyone know if there is a way to contact Openreach directly?

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Message 2 of 9

Re: Can I contact Openreach directly

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As you are not a customer of Openreach unfortunately no. I know it sounds wrong but your ISP (BT Retail) are your supplier. They like every other ISP who uses the Openreach network can only inform you what Openreach have made available about the fix date which you've been advised of so far.

Sorry, you'll just have to wait until its fixed. Thanks to other ISPs I no longer have access to Openreach repair reports and updates.

Message 3 of 9

Re: Can I contact Openreach directly

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If it’s day 5 , then 2 of those days are Saturday and Sunday ( so effectively don’t count ) so if the repair isn’t made today compensation is due , Openreach don’t like paying this , so if it’s possible to repair then they won’t be simply ignoring the problem, and making efforts to fix the issue, however some fixes take time , if a road closure, or traffic management were required ( for example ) fixing a fault within 2 working days after the day the fault was reported is sometimes not feasible.

FYI , there is nothing stopping you asking BT to check on progress , and BT via the CSC getting can get an update from Openreach and let you know the progress, however the accuracy seems to be a bit hit and miss (when a customer service rep interprets engineering information ) and gives you get a fairly worthless answer to whatever the delay is .

Message 4 of 9

Re: Can I contact Openreach directly

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Thank you both. Both answers make sense and fit with the experience I am having. It really is very poor.

To date:

Email saying appointment, made on Saturday, for Monday first thing got cancelled saying its a Network problem so no home visit necessary. 

Followed by another email confirming the Monday morning appointment!

Received another email later on Monday saying it was fixed. It wasn't. 

Requested Customer Services callback who advised work scheduled for Tueday 13:30.

Requested update Tuesday at 18:00 ish, advised that hadn't been able to fix and scheduled to complete at 08:00 Wednesday (today).

Requested update today at 12:00. This Cust Advisor wasn't so good and gave contradictory and unclear advice that changed as the call progressed but he did say that no work had been done at 08:00 that had been noted. My understanding is now unclear about where this is because the CA didn't know why it wasn't fixed today. Booked an update call for 10:00 tomorrow. I raised a complaint at this point.


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Message 5 of 9

Re: Can I contact Openreach directly

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Quick update. Rang the 0800 800150 and spoke to somebody in Lincon, rather than request a callback which seems to get a call from Ireland. My impression is that the Lincon people are able (or more willing) to speak to Openreach though it takes far longer to get to speak to someone initially. 

Anyway the story I got from Lincon was that it appears that an Openreach sub contractor had been used initially who was incapable of fixing it and also wasn't terribly good at passing it on either. It's now been escalated to a person with a title I've forgotten already (something Control or Control something??) which I'm told is good!

Watch this space.

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Message 6 of 9

Re: Can I contact Openreach directly

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I'll wait just as I said to you earlier. "Sorry, you'll just have to wait until its fixed. "

All that has happened is a call handler has left you feeling happier, job done.

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Message 7 of 9

Re: Can I contact Openreach directly

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Yeh, you're right I reckon, still not happy though but I know what you mean.


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Message 8 of 9

Re: Can I contact Openreach directly

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Its fixed. It was in the little grey box screwed to the outside of the house. A wire had just snapped apparently. 

So enjoying my 26meg again 😄

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Message 9 of 9

Re: Can I contact Openreach directly

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A result.