Message 1 of 4

Connection loss far too frequent (fibre 900)

The service has been terrible of recent, dropping frequently, yes, it always comes back eventually but what's causing it?. 


Software?, exchange equipment?,


Never had any problems with the FTTC service. 

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Connection loss far too frequent (fibre 900)

FTTP is much more complex than FTTC, with lots of things that can go wrong because the optical signal is split multiple times.

It could be low optical light level due to an intermittent fault on a splitter, or a poor fibre joint. Possibly someone working on the fibre route.

Look at the ONT and see if you are getting a LOS indication when you lose your connection.

Also look at the PON light to see if that changes, as that is usually an indication of an issue with the network.

If there is no change on either, then look at the lights on the BT Smart Hub 2,and see if they indicate a problem.

I assume the loss affects devices directly connected to the hub using an Ethernet connection, as well as wireless connected devices?



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Message 3 of 4

Re: Connection loss far too frequent (fibre 900)

The ONT lights all stay on, but upon reporting, BT state issue in area and will be repaired by X time.


The light goes solid amber on the smart hub 2 and sometimes a restart brings it back.

I thought it may be a router issue, but what's confusing  are the BT messages saying problem in area... The latest being around midnight last night and stating service will be restored by 1am, which make me think it's a head end issue or software related somewhere in the head end programming. 


The hub, once again - dropped into solid amber state during this period. 

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Connection loss far too frequent (fibre 900)

If there are no changes on the ONT, then its sounds like an authentication issue, but it could be the hub dropping the connection, and failing to authenticate again.

That should show up in the hub event log.

I would tend to suspect the hub, or the connection between the ONT and the hub.

Have you checked/changed that Ethernet cable, and made sure its securely clicked in place both ends?

Next time it goes off, unplug the red Ethernet port on the home hub, then plug it back in, and see if the connection comes back.

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