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Message 1 of 10

DP pole is FTTP but BT won't provide

Hello board, 

I have FTTC provided from a pole opposite my property. The other flats in my building are fed from underground.  The pole has been upgraded to enable FTTP but only the properties on the other side of the street are able to apply for FTTP. I suspect the Openreach records are inaccurate, and they have my flat as being fed from underground like the rest of the building. 

These issues are quite common but does anyone know how I can get this resolved? It is frustrating knowing that the fibre DP is there but I am being denied availability. 

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Message 2 of 10

Re: DP pole is FTTP but BT won't provide


Welcome to this user forum for BT Residential phone and broadband customers.

Use the address checker on the page below, and post the results, but edit out your address details first, but leave the exchange name and cabinet number showing.

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Message 3 of 10

Re: DP pole is FTTP but BT won't provide

Thanks for the reply. The pole is DP 517 and definitely has a FTTP supply. This was confirmed by an OR engineer. The below states FTTP available yet underneath it states 'unavailable'. 

Exchange WESTON-SUPER-MARE is served by Cabinet 34
Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream HandbackThreshold(Mbps) WBC FTTC Availability Date WBC SOGEA Availability DateHigh Low High Low      VDSL Range A (Clean) 
VDSL Range B (Impacted) Range A (Clean) Range B (Impacted) 
Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range (Mbps) Availability Date FTTP Install ProcessFTTP on Demand
ADSL Products Downstream Line Rate (Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range(Mbps) Availability DateWBC ADSL 2+WBC ADSL2+ Annex MADSL MaxWBC Fixed RateFixed Rate
Up to 16--8 to 19.5Available
Up to 16Up to 1.58 to 19.5Available
Up to 7.5--7 to 8Available
SOADSL Products Downstream Line Rate (Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range(Mbps) WBC SOADSL Availability DateWBC SOADSL 2+SOADSL MaxSOADSL Fixed Rate
Up to 16.0--8.0 to 19.5Available
Up to 7.5--7.0 to 8.0Available
Up to 2----Available
Other Offerings Availability DateVDSL Multicast
Exchange Product Restrictions StatusFTTP Priority ExchangeWLR WithdrawalSOADSL Restriction


FTTP is not available.

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 10

Re: DP pole is FTTP but BT won't provide

Probably no more capacity on the splitter.

Also, if you are in a flat, then that would be a totally different installation on its own. It would also depend on whether its a new build, and what the developer agreed with Openreach.

As FTTC speed is 80Mbs, its probably not a priority for Openreach.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 10

Re: DP pole is FTTP but BT won't provide

The fibre DP is relatively new and is going to distribute FTTP to flats opposite. All the buildings on this street are period conversions, so there are no developer issues. The whole street gets about 80 mb already, including the flats now being provided FTTP. I can literally see my copper drop cable going to the old DP next to the new, empty FTTP one. I am a telecom engineer, so I know that physically it isn't that difficult to achieve, but will probably end up waiting years despite there being capacity on the very same DP pole. 

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Message 6 of 10

Re: DP pole is FTTP but BT won't provide

I believe there are only 32 fibre ports on the splitter, so they are probably all used up.

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Message 7 of 10

Re: DP pole is FTTP but BT won't provide

Hello Keith, 

By 'used up' do you mean 'allocated' ... as nobody has had FTTP off the DP yet (the DP is live according to the engineers I have met in the street though, and buildings opposite can now apply for it)... 

Thanks in any case... 

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Message 8 of 10

Re: DP pole is FTTP but BT won't provide

Probably allocated to existing orders awaiting provision. These orders were probably placed a long time ago, and could be for any provider that uses the Openreach network.

Message 9 of 10

Re: DP pole is FTTP but BT won't provide

For FTTP the NADKey (essentially a property/uprn) is allocated to a FTTP DP and CBT.

Also looking at that result from the wholesale checker this specific property is only showing FTTP on Demand rather than WBC FTTP.

It would see that the DP for FTTP is allocated to some other properties but not this specific property.

Message 10 of 10

Re: DP pole is FTTP but BT won't provide

It’s most likely your Flat has been classed as an MDU as opposed to an SDU.

MDU works a bit differently as Openreach need to get MA approval before they can build in them.

What speeds you have now be it on ADSL, VDSL or G.Fast are completely irrelevant when it comes to the Build and Deployment of FTTP. Openreach only care about hitting the maximum amount of THP at the cheapest possible cost. If hitting slow speed areas was of any concern to them everyone in the Countryside would’ve had FTTP by now.

As for the PON, each premises, be it MDU or SDU is assigned a NAD Key and Openreach always build to 120% Capacity, basically enough Fibres for every SDU and MDU, plus the 20% to spare on the off chance someone builds an additional dwelling, i.e. a Granny Annex or knocks down one big house and builds two in its place.

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