Hi everyone,
I'm looking for support and information to make sure I'm not getting the wool pulled over my eyes!
I've moved into a new build nearly 2 weeks ago, developer and openreach arguing who's fault it is but the ONT box and fibre wasn't installed to my house for move in.
Openreach came on Thursday and installed the ONT, ran their tests and had a solid PON light and all came back passed and sorted. Btwholesale postcode checker now says FTTP available but BT are advising they cannot activate until openreach give them the go ahead.
The original activation date for my BT pre-order was 14th April but I escalated and got openreach here earlier but BT keep referring to this date and saying it's an Openreach driven date?
I've spoke with Openreach a number of times who say BT are talking rubbish and it's all done and ready, it might just take 48 hours to cascade across their systems?
I'm at a loss as I've had FTTP installed in previous properties and the service was activated whilst BT were still there after installing the ONT box and I'm not sure what the hold up could be?
It's worth noting that since Friday morning (ish) that the PON light has been flashing, but openreach reach say this is normal within 48hours of ONT installation?
Any help, information or guidance would be appreciated. Two of us are working at home significantly at the moment and getting ourselves into a bit of bother over mobile hotspots etc.
are you dealing with the FTTP TEAM 08005874787 who should be able to clarify what is happening
ake sure you have the ONT serial number to hand when you ring the FTTP team.
Hi both, thanks for the quick reply.
I've spoken with the FTTP team and they have my ONT serial and all the information. They dropped me a text this morning saying Openreach still need to update their system and the date is still 14th.
Why does this date matter? Surely if it's technically ready to go, it should be able to be activated?
Out of interest, I rang Zen who advised they could put the activation through straight away and all looked good on Openreach side?
Was there any confusion between the house number and the plot number , I know of issues where the developer told OR ( for example ) Plot 45 was going to be No 10 , **** Street, but when built Plot 45 turned out to be No.9 **** Street , Openreach use plot numbers ( when the developers initially interact with OR the street name isn’t relevant ) but by the time the plot is handed over ( ready for service ) it’s the house number and street name that ISP’s use to locate the property, (and by association the actual ONT in the property ) the ‘wrong’ ONT is identified, which may already be in use, causing delay etc.
As already said, the serial number of the ONT is the critical info , a solid PON light means the service is ready to go, and simply needs an ISP to associate it with their own systems
As a further point , quite often a developer will ‘sell’ houses earlier than they indicated to OR , so the network isn’t ready for that plot, unlike water and electricity which needs to be ready before the plot can be handed over , there is no such restrictions on telecoms , the developer basically lets you move in earlier than the date they told OR who then need to rearrange work schedules etc to catch up…often the delay is the developer hasn’t even provided the ducts and joint boxes to get cables into your home
When the openreach engineer was fitting the box he confirmed my plot number, I can't remember if he confirmed my house number.
However, on btwholesale address checker it went from FTTP in planning to FTTP available after the engineer had been, so I assume they have the right address?
Solid PON is the bit I'm worrying about, it's not been solid for sometime now and just flashing green, which suggests there is a problem right ?
Spoke to BT again, gave then my ONT serial, my plot and my actual address and they validated all the information was correct, which is good news. He could see where the openreach guy registered the ONT etc.
He said the flashing is likely OR testing the line still and that they haven't signed it off as being "ready" yet. Not sure why they have tested it after installing the ONT and left advising me to give BT a call in an hour to activate the service!
Hoping it's as they say and OR sort on Monday and it doesn't need another visit.
@mattkylewrote:I've spoke with Openreach a number of times who say BT are talking rubbish and it's all done and ready, it might just take 48 hours to cascade across their systems?
For the BT systems to update Openreach would need to send what's known as KCI3, which means the order is complete and that will the cascade to wholesale and then BT.
Thanks Richie, that's good to know.
They said there is a "bridge case" open with Openreach and keep falling back to the 14th April date.
Is there a sign off for the street in a new development that needs to be done before orders can go on?