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Message 1 of 5

FTTP PON Flashing

Last week, I was scheduled to have FTTP installed. Everything went according to plan with the Fibre being run and the ONT being installed. Unfortunately, it is not working correctly with the PON flashing and no internet connection coming in.


Yesterday, an engineer turned up (without notice and no one being home so had to rush home) to have a look, and he confirmed that the light reading is good. While he was on the phone to support it was mentioned needing an N11 engineer, but he said that this wouldn't be required because that is for checking that the light is reaching the property which in this case it is.


Phone BT today to find out what is going on, and they see on their notes that an N11 engineer is due to have a look, but then the call cut, and I've struggled to contact them back (not the best phone signal where I am working).


Is what I was told yesterday about N11 only being able to check that the light is as expected correct? I don't want to end up in another situation where I make myself available for an engineer just to find out they can't do anything and someone else needs to look at it.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: FTTP PON Flashing

TBH , light level was never likely to be the issue ( the LOS light would be lit if that were the case ) , presumably when the engineer attempted to scan your ONT serial number  into the PON data , it’s not been accepted hence the flashing PON ( indicating no authentication ) ..often in these cases the ‘Tiger Team’ can sort the issue out remotely as the ONT is receiving ‘light’ it’s just not from the expected location on the headend , a data change should be possible to sort this out , rather than sending an engineer into the fibre ‘network’ to put right whatever  error was  introduced as the network was built .

There was a very similar post as short while ago , I don’t recall if that poster closed the thread with how their issue was resolved.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: FTTP PON Flashing

Looking at previous topics for flashing PONs, resolutions do look to be a case of something being sorted away from the property (although generally taking a long time to do!)


I know that they attempted to replace the ONT on Monday, and whoever the support was that the engineer was on the phone to updated with the new number of that one but same issue. But the support was also suggesting at the same time to replace the ethernet cable which would not make a blind bit of difference...

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Message 4 of 5

Re: FTTP PON Flashing

Could be a number of issues,

A faulty SFP. 

Could also potentially be a Range Issue.

The Head End Light Range can be Adjusted accordingly. If it’s say set to 10km and your ONT is 25km away you’ll still get a good Light Loss but no Sync.

Could also be you’re connected to the Wrong Head End Port/SASA.

An N11 Engineer is basically just an Engineer whose been Accredited to Access Nodes from the Splitter onwards and is able to identify and Network Defects that may need addressing. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re these Experts at faulting Fibre.

Same goes for those who’re N23, that’s just an Accreditation to say they can Build a Fibre Node to Openreaches Quality Standard.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: FTTP PON Flashing

The Tiger Team can and will only do a Reroute if the Port is on the same Head End Slot.

If it’s on a different one then the whole Build would need to go back to Off Shore Planning for a Complete NAD Key Reset.

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