Good afternoon, all.
My sister has very poor ADSL and has been looking to upgrade to FTTP for a long time.
I recently checked the property on the BT FTTP checker and noted that FTTP was still unavailable. However, for some reason, this time I checked all of her neighbours properties. Each and every one of them on the road can access FTTP immediately.
I then checked the BT post outside the house and noticed that it serves the 3 neighbouring properties but not my sister's. We then traced her supply back to a different post that is a relatively huge distance away and that appears not to be FTTP-enabled (well, I can't see the usual FTTP CBT on it, at least).
So, here's the question: is there likely to be any reason why the FTTP-enabled post that serves her neighbours' houses couldn't supply my sister's house, given that it is right outside her house? Granted the supply would have to be reconfigured at the local cabinet and a cable added between the post and my sister's house.
I wasn't sure whether new supplies can be added to existing posts but, if they can, it seems more sensible that 1) her having to stay on basic ADSL or 2) the existing supply being upgraded.
Any ideas, anyone (and, if so, how I could persuade BT Openreach who have already blindly emailed me back to confirm that the property can't get FTTP)?
can you enter sister's phone number and post results including the notes
Thanks for the reply. These are the results:
FYI, this is the result for the next door neighbour, where FTTP is confirmed as available:
that confirms there is no FTTP available currently however your sister has FTTC with 25mb connection speed
Both properties serviced by Exchange HILLSIDE is served by Cabinet 10
FTTP does not come from a cabinet
try contacting openreach saying neighbours can get FTTP but I can't