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Message 1 of 6

FTTP availability different for houses using the same cabinet

FTTP has recently been rolled out to my area, however when I got to the Openreach availability site it says end of 26 (previously 24). 

I did a bit of research and the next street over does have FTTP as available so I checked and turns out we are using the same Green Box as that street.

Checking on the BT Broadband availability checker  it does say FTTP is availble. However for out street there is no FTTP install process info, where as the street over has stage1 which  I understand means an engeineer needs to come out.

Is this a records issue or is there more Openreach needs to do to make FTTP available for the street I'm on?

I've read some threads that say FTTP is not reliant on the cabinet but figure they must be laying the fibre to somewhere for homes to connect too, not a seperate cable for each house into the exchange.

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Message 2 of 6

Re: FTTP availability different for houses using the same cabinet

Full fibre does not use the "Green box"

Has any infrastructure such as fibre ducts to your property been installed by Openreach or if your property is served by overhead cables, has any new installation been attached to the poles that serves your street/property?

If not it would mean that there is further work to be done.


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Message 3 of 6

Re: FTTP availability different for houses using the same cabinet

Hiya, we live on a a gated street, but I have seen the Openreach van onsite a few months ago so was getting my hopes up and have been researching ever since to see if homes in the area are connect to FTTP or not. What they actually did I don't know to be honest. 

I've raised a separate request with Openreach which hopefully they will reply too.

We have an underground cable from the cabinet to a distribution point on the street. then all the houses connect, again underground.

I really hope I don't have to wait until the end of 26 for FTTP.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: FTTP availability different for houses using the same cabinet

FTTP does not come from the cabinet.

A spine cable comes from the head end exchange to a splitter and then to individual houses, either underground or overhead.

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Message 5 of 6

Re: FTTP availability different for houses using the same cabinet

Thanks for the replies and yes that would make sense.

Is it normal for Openreach to connect some splitters in an area and not all as it has been sometime (months) since I've seen them laying the cables?

Is there anywhere I could find out when they are planning to run some more cable in the are to finish the job? If they were planning on never doing it I figure we'd be listed as "not in plan" rather than end of 26 (which feels like a fudge date).

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Message 6 of 6

Re: FTTP availability different for houses using the same cabinet

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