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Message 1 of 2

Fault on the line

Hi, I recently upgraded to fibre as my broadband wasnt fast enough with kids in the house gaming and streaming.. on the day of installation the engineers said there was a fault on the line and it would need further works from open reach.. after afew mixed messages my case got passed onto the executive team.. it’s been 9 days since installation and 7 days since they have took control of the case and we seem to have got absolutely nowhere.. the latest update from me chasing today was the same as every day this week… Openreach have pushed it back further and update maybe next week.. they are saying there’s a problem with the fibre cables something to do with light not going through 🤷🏻‍♀️ My question is how long is this likely to go on.. we really need internet sorting out.  Can anybody advise? 
I feel like we are being fobbed off and have been given no real timeframe at all. 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Fault on the line

Nobody here can answer that, it is in the hands of Openreach. It could be days, weeks or months depending  on what the problem is.

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