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Message 1 of 4

Fibre900 slow down and up

Hi all I got fibre 900 installed a week and a half ago with some issues with a flashing pon which got sorted after a week!

now my second problem, down speeds are under 700 via rj45. Even PPoe’ing direct from computer or using third party will get only around 450. And up speeds are below 50.

bt have said speed to the ont is 880 so well above the stay fast so isn’t their problem, but are sending an engineer to look at the internal setup, don’t have much hope.

I have seen on the forum some people getting a cap removed from the upload speeds, would be grateful if someone could help with that.

on the download speeds is there anything anyone would suggest? I have read about being moved to a different fibre VLAN one that isn’t congested is this something I can suggest to them?

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Fibre900 slow down and up

BT only guarantee 700 for download (on the 900 package), anything below, and you can bug them, although, good luck with that one 😉  The upload thing is a curious one, as many are having it, and BT being BT, are not so clear on that one?  I also hear of 'mysterious' fixes for caps here and there?, but honestly, you have a better chance of walking to the moon, on foot, and would probably be quicker, than them doing anything about it all. 🙂

Message 3 of 4

Re: Fibre900 slow down and up

No mystery about the 50Mb upload using the SH2 , if left connected it should auto correct and provide the appropriate upload ( as the OP established a PPPoE  session directly with the ONT , they should have seen this anyway as the limitation  is with the SH2 until it updates ) , if the OP suspects it’s a congested VLAN they are on, then a speed test at a quiet time should show the appropriate download speed.

FTTP if correctly configured should connect at the paid for speed , throughput is not guaranteed over and above the minimum speed guarantee and that is comfortably exceeded.

Message 4 of 4

Re: Fibre900 slow down and up

Thanks for the reply both.

I called the fttp team yesterday and they did say it was strange, and usually you get around what you pay for, and was surprised how much I knew about the whole setup of the build.

strangely after the call the upload sorted itself out magically since being online. The downloads are still really erratic, jumping from 250 to 1.2gb and all the in between within a couple of seconds. They are sending an engineer out Wednesday to check the line from the post into the house, doesn’t have any kinks.

After that I will suggest the congested VLAN.

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