Message 1 of 6

Flat Fibre Availability

Hi all,

I'm going to try and include as much info as possible here but I'm not the most technical so bear with me.

Early next month I am going to be moving into a flat pretty much in the middle of Edinburgh. My assumption being any flat so close to the centre would have fast internet speeds available - however it seems I was very wrong.

When searching for BT Broadband deals using the postcode, first of all my address does not show up on the list. However, upon speaking to a customer agent the said the max speeds I can get is around the 72-73 mbps download on the Fibre 2 deal.

When using 'https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL/AddressHome' my address says the following: We cannot determine broadband availability at this location. This may be a new address to which connectivity is not yet complete. For context, the flat was built probably over 100 years ago.

When checking the other flat on the same floor I will be moving into, this is what I get:



When I search for my specific flat via Openreach I get the following:


However, if I search for the other flat on the same floor:



I appreciate this is probably fairly common but I'm not quite sure where to go from here.

Could it be an issue with the address? Would an engineer be able to sort something if they came out and looked at the property? Am I doomed into darkness forever?

When checking other providers I get similar, not just with the other flat on my floor but around the building.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Thanks, M

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Flat Fibre Availability

When you say the flat is 100 years old, is it 100 years old as a flat or been recently converted?

If you put the postcode in the RM database, is the flat's address 100% correct?

Does the availability checker return the exact same address?

Are there other variations in either such as Flat A/B/C or 1/2/3 or Ground/1st/etc?

Does the flat have a UPRN, again without duplicates or variations?


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Message 3 of 6

Re: Flat Fibre Availability

It’s possible the previous tenant had no fixed Land Line, maybe for a number of years so no record will show on the Wholesale System.

Clearly the neighbours get FTTC and with those speeds I’d say they’re relatively close to the DSLAM.

If it’s FTTP you’re after you’d have to wait for that to be Built by either Openreach and or an Alt Net.

MDU’s can be very complex, not so much the Build part of that of getting Permissions, Wayleaves, etc.

In fact it is such a problem Openreach are lobbying Labour to allow them to build in MDU’s without the Building Owners Permission.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Flat Fibre Availability

Thanks for your reply.

Sorry, to be clear, the building itself it 100 years old. I'm assuming the flats within are the same.

No issue with the postcode on RM and matches exactly on availability checker.

The flat I have purchased is 2F1, there's 2F2, 3F1, 1F1 etc etc.

Yeah hunted down the UPRN which I popped into the availability checker and it pops up the same details as the other flats in the building.



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Message 5 of 6

Re: Flat Fibre Availability

Then it seems that you need an ORDI request raised with Openreach to get your address added. Maybe that's what the rep was going to do if you placed an order, but without it the order will likely fail. So maybe try them again & see exactly what they intend to do to get you service.

If you were hoping for Gfast then I'm not sure what the current state of play with that is. I think it's been suggested that it's no longer being installed.

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Flat Fibre Availability

@rbz5416G.Fast is withdrawn from sale.