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Message 1 of 11

Full Fibre 100, never 150Mpbs?

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Hello all,

I would just like to know if anyone is experiencing the same as me regarding Full Fibre 100, I supposed the name should have given it away.....
As we can see below apparently the normal down loads speeds should be 150Mbps, but guaranteed at 100Mbps

I checked my broadband speeds recently and noticed I was only getting 70Mbps, in all fairness to BT they got the speeds up to 100Mbps and sorted the problem out.  and the engineer that visited helped to improved the wireless in the house.

But this lead me to thinking this line was sold to me as a 150Mbps line and I may have missed the fact that it had a guaranteed 100Mbps.  Now my line has been fixed my download speed is 100Mbps.  So are BT selling this as a 150Mbps line and restricting everyone to 100Mbps?

Has anyone got Full Fibre 100, and got more than the 100Mbps?
Is the extra 50Mpbs just a potential burst speed when there are not many other users on in the area, being sold fibre with a dedicate fibre line, I was given the impression that contention would not be an issue for me.  I am feeling a bit disillusioned a bit ripped off with BT who I have been with for years, as it seems I am getting a 3rd less connection speed that I thought I was purchasing.  And BT are far from the cheapest Broadband supplier, I am not sure I will still be with them next year 😞 



Normal available speeds
Your normal available download speed will be 150 Mbps
Your normal available upload speed will be 30 Mbps
Minimum guaranteed download speed
Your minimum guaranteed download speed will be 100 Mbps
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Message 2 of 11

Re: BT HALO 100

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@Lemiealu Can you do a speedtest via a wired ethernet connection please. WiFi can be effected by interference so best to do speed tests via a wired ethernet connection.

Also to note the speed guarantee is the speed between your Smart Hub 2 and the BT Network rather than the speed you get from your smart hub 2 to your client device :

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Message 3 of 11

Re: BT HALO 100

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Hi Guru,

I realise that, I have been performing speeds tests by being directly plugged into the hub with my laptop, and using the BT app.

My laptop gets bang on 100Mbps, hence me thinking this way.   When doing some due diligence I saw that apparently the average speed of users on Full Fibre 100 was supposedly, some thing like 143Mbps.

I presume there are a lot of users or something in my area, that means my Link is potentially restricted to 100Mbps, I am just trying to work out if this is false advertising, as it seems like a "you could get up to 150Mbps, but we restrict all links to the guaranteed speed, so they do not have a leg to stand on if they report they are not getting the 150Mbps they think they might be paying for!" 

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Message 4 of 11

Re: BT HALO 100

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Even if your line speed is 150Mb/s it may still present on your devices as 100, it depends on the capability of your devices.

Many (mostly older) network adapters are limited to 100Mb/s, newer devices should be capable of 1000Mb/s (or gigabit) operation.

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Message 5 of 11

Re: BT HALO 100

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it depends on the capability of your devices.

...& also the quality of your ethernet cables. Have you tried replacing both?

What is the sync speed displayed in the router?

Message 6 of 11

Re: BT HALO 100

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Following on from the post from @rbz5416 , do not use flat ethernet cables, they also tend to be limited to 100Mb/s

Message 7 of 11

Re: BT HALO 100

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Well it seems I have to have a rather large slice of humble pie 😞

After testing a with a few more cables it seems I have a whole bunch of them that will not run at 1000Mbps, I now have a large 10 meter CAT6 cable rolled up in the corner of the room that will connect my laptop to the router at 1Gig connection speed.

Sorry BT you are as epic as I thought you were, sorry for posting such a Karen like post.

Message 8 of 11

Re: BT HALO 100

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We all do it at some time.

That's nearly as daft as someone I know (me) who inadvertently disables html in a web browser and then spends the next 48 hours trying to work out why web pages are not displaying correctly (true) 🤣

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Message 9 of 11

Re: BT HALO 100

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Try a direct connection to the ONT and set up a PPPoE connection.

User name

Password BT

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Message 10 of 11

Re: BT HALO 100

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@Lemiealu wrote:

After testing a with a few more cables it seems I have a whole bunch of them that will not run at 1000Mbps, I now have a large 10 meter CAT6 cable rolled up in the corner of the room that will connect my laptop to the router at 1Gig connection speed.

Yeah, it needs all 8 wires connected for GbE, only 4 for 100M

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