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Full Fibre 900 - switching away from BT in 3 days, just developed a fault.

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So I currently have Full Fibre 900 with BT but am in the process of switching to another provider. However 3 hours ago my internet suddenly dropped (3 days before my switch on the 29th June) and the OpenReach Modem LOS light has turned RED.

Does anybody know what happens with a switchover when a fault develops? Are BT still responsible for sorting this as the fault happened while I am still their customer? Are the new provider going to have to take over responsibility?

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Full Fibre 900 - switching away from BT in 3 days, just developed a fault.

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LOS means Loss of Signal, i.e. there is no Light coming from the Head End and or the Loss is Greater than -27dBm.

They wouldn’t disconnect it from the Head End if you’re switching Provider, they couldn’t as that would potentially mean disconnecting 29 other people.

If they had ceased your Service 3 days early you’d have a Flashing PON.

Chances are you’ve unfortunately developed a fault and would need to report it to your existing Provider. Although as you cease service with them on Monday, I assume you mean 3 days and not Business Days it might auto close any fault when your account closes and your new Provider would have to then deal with the ELF DOA, Early Life Failure - Dead on Arrival Issue.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Full Fibre 900 - switching away from BT in 3 days, just developed a fault.

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My switch is on the 29th.

I've just been in a chat with "technical support" he seems to be saying there is no fault and I've been disconnected early:


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Message 4 of 5

Re: Full Fibre 900 - switching away from BT in 3 days, just developed a fault.

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I’m a bit dubious there is no fault.

Openreach use a 32 Way Split, as in one fibre leaves the Head End and Splits into 32 Fibres at the SASA, although they only use 30.

The only way to disconnect light from just your ONT would be for someone to physically disconnect the Fibre at the SASA or at any point beyond it up to the ONT, which Openreach wouldn’t do as it wouldn’t be cost affective. Also it would make zero sense.

If they had turned off your service you’d still have Light, albeit a Flashing PON.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Full Fibre 900 - switching away from BT in 3 days, just developed a fault.

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Yeah the first person I spoke to seemed to be suggesting it was the "advice of transfer of service" on the account that was the reason and that there was no fault. Even if I raised a fault it wouldn't be actioned due to the services ending shortly. He then repeated that there was no fault "my service will move to a new provider hence my broadband is impacted"

However, I called and got put through to technical support and was told that BT have no hand in the switchover disconnection/connection etc., all the work is done by the new provider so no they have not disconnected me early. The woman I spoke to said the same as you regarding the LOS light, it basically means there's a problem with the line somewhere. They are sending an engineer out on Tuesday to hopefully fix the fault in time for the Switchover on Wednesday.

They are also sending a mini-hub which to be honest seems pointless given I'll have at most a day before it's cut off but I appreciate the effort the woman went to.

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