Message 1 of 2

Full Fibre in 6 Months

Hi All, 

I have been speaking  with the BT Live chat about my broadband being slow 25Mbps ( I work in IT, yes it’s slow) 

They have stated in 6 months my street will be upgraded to full fibre (after confirming with open reach) . I have done some research around and I can’t see anything that states this would be true?  The open reach “keep me updated”  has said “At the moment **my address** . isn't in our build plans.” 

Under build program it says “Yes” for “we’ll be building in this exchange in the future”

Not sure who to believe? Anyone else had this or can help?


hopefully not false hope. 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Full Fibre in 6 Months

BT don’t have any extra foresight into Openreach plans than anyone else (  any other ISP ) that’s not to say the information is wrong , just that the information would be widely known  by all stakeholders not just by BT .
If you enquire on the Openreach website , if that confirms the date , great , if there is nothing specific then what you were told is nothing more than speculative and shouldn’t be taken as gospel.