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Message 1 of 8

Line Reset required

Hi - Could a Moderator assist with a line reset please? I have been  stuck on a slow speed for over a month and in the past I have been able to get a moderator to perform a line reset which has solved my problem?


Thanks in advance for your help

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Line Reset required

can you post your current hub stats please

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Message 3 of 8

Re: Line Reset required

If the line is needing reset every month that would tend to indicate a fault somewhere.

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Line Reset required

Hi - Line has been at 55Mbps consistently for 2 years. Last month it dropped to the following.............when this happened before, a line reset has fixed the problem.


Firmware updated:Tue Jul 9 13:52:28 2024


Board version:R01


GUI version:1.80 11_07_2023


DSL uptime:1 days,10 Hours03 Mins44 Secs


Data rate:9.997 Mbps / 48.998 Mbps


Maximum data rate:15.678 Mbps / 59.316 Mbps


Full Fibre (FTTP) Mode:On


Noise margin:9.4 / 8.1


Line attenuation:9.6 / 19.6


Signal attenuation:9.6 / 21.3




VLAN id:101
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Message 5 of 8

Re: Line Reset required

you uptime is only 1 day suggesting there is a line problem unless you are manually resetting to try and improve the speed.  continual manual/line resets will actually make your connection speed worse as the DLM takes action

provided you don't have DV have you checked for line noise causing a problem

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Line Reset required

Hi - I am not manually resetting the line. I have had this exact same problem 4 times over the past years (normally when I renew my BT contract my speed drops from 55 to 48) and each time a line reset has got my speed back to 55Mbps and it has stayed there - could you please perform a line reset and this will solve the problem for me, like it has in the past? I suspect the firmware update in July may have triggered the reduction so if you reset the line it will fix the problem. 

Thanks in advance.

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Line Reset required

if your connection is continually dropping and no manual reset then you need to find the cause before any reset

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Message 8 of 8

Re: Line Reset required

Thanks. 2 years ago I got the line reset and it has been fine up until July. It is quite common for my line to drop every 4 or 5 days and that has been happening over the past 2 years and the speed remained at 55Mbps. All I need is a line reset and I am sure the problem will be resolved as it has been in the past. Can you action please? If I contact BT they will tell me that 48 Mbps is within the guaranteed range and they won't investigate further 

Thanks in advance 


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