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Message 1 of 6

Migrating to FTTP on 24th but Service has Suddenly Become Terrible Prior to Migration


Recently had the notification that as is happening to others due to the end of copper service, I will be upgraded to FTTP on the 24th of January. No issues with this at all, I'm not changing packages or anything, it's a simple migration.

As of yesterday afternoon (6th of January) I've started having serious issues with my Broadband connection which is not normal for me, I've never had concerns with it and I'd usually get around 35 to 40 download speed which is as expected but it has started losing connection for what could be an hour, 4 hours, etc before connecting again for anywhere between 1 minute and and an hour before repeating. When it does connect my speeds are down to around 5 which is just something I usually see. Everything seems normal with the order on so I'm really concerned.
I'm not seeing any recorded issues for my area on sites that record such info.

I'm wondering if this could perhaps be something to do with work being done on my local exchange or junction box for my street (don't know the correct terminology) and I just have to put up with it for the next few weeks?

I've tried different hardware, different routers, wifi, and ethernet but the only thing that seems consistent is that it keeps happening regardless of what I do. I'm typing this as quickly as possible so please excuse any errors.
I am also housebound so require an active connection for things like prescriptions and groceries and I've had a nightmare today just trying to order my monthly shopping.

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Migrating to FTTP on 24th but

Hi @JP-online 

Thanks for coming to the community.

I know how frustrating it is when the speeds drop so much, especially when you rely on it so much.

It shouldn't have any relation to your change to FTTP, as nothing will be taking effect yet, but it is worth logging in to troubleshoot any problems, which will run a test on the line and book an engineer if needed.


Message 3 of 6

Re: Migrating to FTTP on 24th but

Thanks @Michael_D 

It didn't make any sense to me that it would have been related to the migration but felt it was worth mentioning. 

I followed the link you used and went through the process of a fault check and the system automatically arranged 151 to test and fix the issue with an expected close of fault by Monday the 13th.
I also received a text from BT Diagnostics asking me to respond with "GUIDE" so they could discuss the issue further. Due to my anxiety with "live" communication I didn't want to do this but did it because I need it to be fixed as soon as possible.

I received a call from a young lad in Falkirk a few minutes later who was brilliant. I'd already filled in the details that they required and he explained that it was more about giving the interaction a human feeling for those who didn't like/trust the automatic system. He was right, I didn't want it but it did make a difference having him check everything, give me updates and let me know what would happen and that they were actually expecting a fix within 48 hours and I will be messaged then.
I'm an old BT employee from around 20 years ago and have been dreading the whole process but have been really pleased to see how much things have improved. It's not remedied yet so I'll reserve judgement until all is back to normal but I'm very happy so far.

Separate thing, not even thinking about it at the moment but received a text from Openreach earlier advising that they've cancelled my appointment on the 24th, no information as to why though. The order was still open on but I assume there is a lead time before BT's order system catches up with Openreach's activity.|
We'll see what happens there.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Migrating to FTTP on 24th but Service has Suddenly Become Terrible Prior to Migration

Oh, I will add that to my knowledge disconnects have happened only 3 or 4 times today in comparison to yesterday when the system was down close to 100% of the day so things are improving. It's still the sub 5Mbps so many websites such as my bank just report an error due to the lengthy loading.


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Message 5 of 6

Re: Migrating to FTTP on 24th but Service has Suddenly Become Terrible Prior to Migration

Thanks for the updates here @JP-online, I'm glad to hear our Guide was able to help go through everything with you, and also glad you're noticing improvements with the connection too. 

I can appreciate your concern at the cancelled appointment too; when you received this text did it give an option to reorganise this?


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Message 6 of 6

Re: Migrating to FTTP on 24th but Service has Suddenly Become Terrible Prior to Migration

Sorry, I said it was a message but it was an email and to quote


It's Openreach on behalf of EE/BT. We have now cancelled your upgrade.

If you wish to upgrade your broadband, please contact EE/BT."

That is everything they included. Saying it was on behalf of EE/BT makes it sound like that's where the order originated but of course, they could just be using that to inform me of the service provider as not everybody will know who Openreach is and why they are involved.

Having checked the order on again, one placed on 21st of December and the second placed on 8th of January which is when I tried to alter the installation date after receiving the Openreach email to see if I could save the order in some way. Both orders have the same VOL reference and are identical when I open them, both have the amended date of fulfilment of 10th of February between 08:00 - 13:00 which was selection for the amended migration.

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