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Message 1 of 17

Neighbours all have super fast broadband and I don’t? (terrace house, same cabinet)

It’s a terrace house in Hampshire, one of a dozen built in the mid 90s, other properties on the same road and nearby are much older.


I’ve run a check at and it says I’m on fibre 1, max speed of 36mbps, meanwhile all my terrace neighbours, and all the other neighbours on my road in all directions (and slightly further away in very old isolated cottages) are on fibre 2 with max speed of 80mpbs. 

It also says we’re connected to the same cabinet, and apart from the speed all other data is the same.

What gives? Shouldn’t I have the same potential speeds as all my neighbours? My house is attached to theirs, and every other property on this road has up to 80mbps. Do you think this could be a database error, or is there something physically wrong with my line?


extra info: I haven’t moved into the property yet so the tests I can run are limited, the current owner allowed me to perform a speed test and so did her neighbour (super fast) and they both came up as 33-36mbps, I imagine neither of them are paying for a particularly fast internet package as they’re not heavy users, but I am as several members of my household all work from home. 

my results:


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Message 2 of 17

Re: Neighbours all have super fast broadband and I don’t? (terrace house, same cabinet)

My immediate terrace neighbour’s results:



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Message 3 of 17

Re: Neighbours all have super fast broadband and I don’t? (terrace house, same cabinet)


Can you post the same for a neighbour (removing their address) but leaving the other info?


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Message 4 of 17

Re: Neighbours all have super fast broadband and I don’t? (terrace house, same cabinet)

@CJT80 updated my post, neighbours results in comments, let me know if it’s not showing up and I’ll try again

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Message 5 of 17

Re: Neighbours all have super fast broadband and I don’t? (terrace house, same cabinet)


It would appear to be an issue.  That's quite a difference in available speed.

What router do you have?  Can you provide the stats/speed from Advanced Settings?

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Message 6 of 17

Re: Neighbours all have super fast broadband and I don’t? (terrace house, same cabinet)

@CJT80 I haven’t actually moved into the property yet, I move in next month, so the tests I can perform are limited. The current owners and the neighbours both performed speed tests for me, both came up with similar results (33/9mbps) but I imagine they’re both on cheap packages. Unfortunately I don’t know what type of router it is.

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Message 7 of 17

Re: Neighbours all have super fast broadband and I don’t? (terrace house, same cabinet)


No problems. I assumed you were there.

Assuming it's the same exchange (will be at the top of the page next to the address) then you "should" get the same potential speeds.

If you don't get any joy (from one of the more experienced members) you can try the independent forums at ThinkBroadband (I can't post a link as it's against forum rules).

Sorry I can't help more.

Kind Regards
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Message 8 of 17

Re: Neighbours all have super fast broadband and I don’t? (terrace house, same cabinet)

@CJT80 Yes same exchange, same cabinet, I ran the search using mine and my neighbour’s UPRNs which just one digit different from each other.

In theory we should get the same results, I’m not sure why we don’t. Thanks for your help, I’ll give that a try

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Message 9 of 17

Re: Neighbours all have super fast broadband and I don’t? (terrace house, same cabinet)

did you use address instead of phone number to run dslchecker?  if so and both the neighbour and existing occupant of your possible new home must have a phone so tried the most accurate method of dslchecker with phone number.  post full result including adsl speed - see if that produces different results

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Message 10 of 17

Re: Neighbours all have super fast broadband and I don’t? (terrace house, same cabinet)

@imjolly I used UPRNs to get these results, not addresses or phone numbers. I don’t know the phone numbers for my property or my neighbours as I haven’t moved in yet. Tests I can perform are limited without a phone number or access to the router, the screenshots I posted are all I’ve got. The exchange and the cabinet number are the same for mine and my neighbours properties, all other results are also the same except for speeds.


I know that the current owner and the neighbour only ran very basic speed tests through google, they don’t have the know how to do much else, they sent me screenshots of their results, most likely run from a mobile phone connected to WiFi on a speed check website.

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