Hi hope someone can help I am not getting my stay fast gareentee I had a fault with connection dropping witch appears to have been fixed last week but my stay fast gareentee is ment to be 43 but I'm getting 37.77 at the router I have one soket a 5c with mk faceplate I have tryed test soket with micro filter I have also tryed a alternative dsl cabel
with no joy any help would be much appreciated I will post router stats
I only have brodband so can't do quiet line test
I think now is the time to speak to BT.
Will do just after any tips befor I call
Possibly just the DLM waiting for an extended period of line stability before attempting to raise speeds. I had this recently & managed to get it reset as soon as the fault was fixed rather than waiting. I asked the OR engineer before he closed the fault so don't know what the process is. Unfortunately your attempts at troubleshooting would also have caused more drops, potentially delaying the process.
Usual response on here is to just be patient but you could try the connections team.
you are not stuck in a banded profile despite your line problems and your attempts to try and improve your speed. the odd thing about your stats is your noise margin is on 4.4db instead of normal 6db and with your actual lower than attainable I would have expected your noise margin to be slightly higher than 6db.
I don't think your line needs reset just stay connected and DLM should improve your speed automatically in 7/10 days - and you already have 6 days stable
enter address and post results see what speed range you are in
been haveing issues with speed i am ment to get 43 mbps minimum i had openrech engineer yeatreday and my speed is now even lower now it 35.8 down and 5.2 up any help will be very gratefull
i had a openrech engineer yeatreday and my speed is now even lower now it 35.8 down and 5.2 up any help will be very gratefull
also in regards to noise margin it starts at 6.3 then slowly drops down and never gos back up is this normal ?
Can you use the dslchecker link I posted previously and post results so we can see the speed range expected from your line. Remember all speeds quoted by BT are connection speeds to the hub not download speeds by your device