Hi all,
Writing to see if anyone can help.
We are moving into a new flat soon and after looking into getting our new broadband set up i realised that I am not able to get fibre with any providers. All of my neighbours have fibre so I don't understand why all of the providers are not giving us a option to have it as well.
If anyone can give advise on this would be much appreciated.
Its an unusual situation, WBC FTTP is available but is showing ‘waiting list’ , this can happen reasonably often on FTTC , as a FTTC cabinet only has a limited number of ‘slots’ and once they are used up then the cab shows waiting list , but FTTP ‘slots’ are normally provided , one connection per address , so shouldn’t really run out if slots.
I suspect that it could be that this FTTP network is so new that the necessary systems have yet to catch up , so it’s not waiting list like a FTTC cabinet, but the interconnection of the FTTP network into the ISP network that is ‘waiting list’ so keep checking, this may change from waiting list to available at anytime
That is unusual, never seen a WBC FTTP Waiting List before.
Unlike when FTTC is built every property built off an FTTP PON, (Passive Optical Network) is assigned a NAD Key, aka Fibre from a SASA. A SASA has 32 Fibres but they only use 30 of them.
Each property is usually assigned 1 fibre as part of the Network Build. Of course it’s not unusual for a property to want/need a second FTTP Circuit but technically if there’s no Spare Fibres left in the SASA they shouldn’t take unused ones for other NAD Keys and instead do an incremental build to provide that second circuit.
I’d contact Openreach if I were you and see if they can do anything to help.