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Message 11 of 12

Re: OpenReach modem with no LAN light, and Smart Hub 2 flashing purple lights.

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The brand new ethernet cable supplied by BT was bad.
I replaced it with an old cable I had, and the LAN light came on on the ONT modem, and my Hub is now shining a steady blue! 😊
Message 12 of 12

Re: OpenReach modem with no LAN light, and Smart Hub 2 flashing purple lights.

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I was 100% wrong and remain the only person I know of with the issue I had.

Cant believe the cable was bad.

Oh well, sorry everyone.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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