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Message 1 of 8

Please help me decipher what this means re: FTTP!

Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for reading this and hopefully being able to help me. 

I have moved to a new house and have been told by my old broadband provider that they could not switch my old superfast broadband because there are “no slots available in the cabinet”.

I am temporarily using a mobile router but there is no 5g coverage so I’m really struggling as I work from home.

Attached are the BT open reach results. What do these mean about the availability of superfast broadband please and what are my options?




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Message 2 of 8

Re: Please help me decipher what this means re: FTTP!

Welcome to this user forum for BT Residential phone and broadband customers.

BT Openreach do not exist, its just Openreach.

There is capacity showing for FTTC, but there is no FTTP capacity, if that is what you were expecting.

It would be best if you posted on your own ISPs forum.



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Message 3 of 8

Re: Please help me decipher what this means re: FTTP!

Depends what is meant by "Superfast".

The terminology you've used from your ISP seems to imply a FTTC/VDSL connection of up to 80Mb. As above, the screenshot shows availability for VDSL, but possibly there wasn't when your ISP checked.

But if "Superfast" is FTTP then again as above, not available at that address & you'll have to accept the drop to FTTC.

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Please help me decipher what this means re: FTTP!

Thank you for replying Keith.

What does FTTC mean for a layman looking to get super fast broadband please?

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Please help me decipher what this means re: FTTP!

Thank you RBZ.

superfast in this context means 30-60mbs.

Is VDSL just ‘ordinary’ broadband (up to 15mbs or so)?

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Please help me decipher what this means re: FTTP!

FTTC is Fibre to the cabinet. Simply put it's the type of technology to deliver the broadband to you where fibre from an exchange go to your cabinet and then from the cabinet to your property the broadband goes over the copper based line.

VDSL is based for FTTC so references to VDSL or FTTC here are the same thing.

Message 7 of 8

Re: Please help me decipher what this means re: FTTP!

No, VDSL is FTTC, ie what you had.

So you need to go back to your ISP's home move team & check they haven't made an error with your new address. If they still insist that there's no availability then see if you can go through the checker with them. Maybe someone inexperienced is just looking at the wrong (FTTC) column when they should now be looking at SOGEA.


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Message 8 of 8

Re: Please help me decipher what this means re: FTTP!

Superfast , depending on who’s definition you use ,  is speeds between 24 or 30 Mb and 300Mb , so FTTC /VDSL is a ‘Superfast’ system, but some users may get less than Superfast speeds if they are a long way from the cabinet ( it’s distance dependent , the further away , the slower you go ) .

Its not clear why your provider has said FTTC/VDSL  isn’t available, because it is ( called SoGEA ) to give them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps when they looked SoGEA wasn’t available but when you looked and grabbed the screen image SoGEA was available,  availability can  change as people join and leave FTTC  for various reasons , moving house , changing to alternative networks , dying etc.

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