Message 1 of 4

Problems with full fibre installation

My full fibre installation was due yesterday. The engineer said she couldn't climb the telegraph pole to run the cable because the pole had no date on it. A few hours later an openreach van with a cherry picker arrived looked at the pole and then drove off. 

All was OK last night with my existing broadband and landline, but today both have gone off.

Called BT the said nothing could be done and I will have to wait unto 7 days for Openreach to contact me.

Why would they disconnect a working service if they know there is a problem with the new one?


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Message 2 of 4

Re: Problems with full fibre installation

It does seem that BT and Openreach rarely, if ever, talk to each other. So even though Openreach wasn't able to activate your fibre, BT still acted as if it had been activated, and cut off your existing broadband and telephone. This seems to happen time and time again. It really isn't good enough and it's high time BT and Openreach sorted out this type of failure of communication.
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Message 3 of 4

Re: Problems with full fibre installation

They did this with me. I was looking at BT full fibre, apparently it's now EE. BT decided that I was changing on a specific day to a new supplier and cut my internet off. However, Openreach said that it would take 3 months to get fibre, so nothing, nada, nil. After much nagging I got one of those tiny mini hubs. Later, about 3-4 weeks later they restored internet. I've now cancelled BT and gone to Vodafone.
As an aside, when I cancelled BT said that to restore service I'd been put on a 2 year contract, at £49.99 per month, with a 2 year discount of £49.99 per month! ie I was paying nothing! The helper at their call centre said he'd never seen anything like it before!!

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Problems with full fibre installation

I just find it hard to believe that they can't carry out a remote check to see if the fibre broadband is working before chopping the landline.

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