Hi there is a very tall telephone post directly infront of my front garden. I want to turn the front garden into a driveway. But I cant, because its in the way. Can it be moved?
More importantly, the telephone post attracts so many birds and every day there is bird poo being dropped. I’m having to clean two cars, every day.
Myself and my wife are so distressed about this. We had to go into A and E with my 7 yr old child and 6 month old child. Unfortunately, I could not drive the car until I had used baby wipes to clean off the poo from the windscreens so that I could see clearly.
The bird faeces, will eventually cause damage to our property and spread disease. There are far too many telephone lines on the one post. There is a line that extends from another post which I believe exceeds the maximum span allowed.
The post is in West Bromwich on Nelson Street, the post number is 2119.
I would be very grateful if an engineer can come out and have a look at preventing so many birds having their mothers meeting in one place. Eg spikes, or other objects such as ribbons etc, I would happy to have my line disconnected, as the birds sit on the line and the post it self.
Please kindly get back to me.
You would have to raise the issue with Openreach, via your service provider.
Try https://www.openreach.com/building-developers-and-projects/altering-our-network
Bear in mind, it could cost you a lot of money.
As you mentioned FTTP, I assume its a pole carrying optical fibres, so that would cost even more.
This is a BT retail forum and has no connection with your problem. You need to contact Openreach as previously advised, but be prepared for a very expensive project if you wish to get them to move the pole. Unless it is actually sited on your property, I doubt you will even be able to get it moved in any case.
Not much you can do about birds, but if you do not have any phone or broadband connection using that overhead wire, then you could ask Openreach to remove it. That would not help you with the location of the pole, as there will be other customers connected to it.
Pleas bear in mind that this is just a BT Retail Customer Forum, so if you do have service from another provider, you need to ask on their user forum.
Hi @Shad_1 and welcome to our community.
I had a similar problem a few years ago but it was with power lines. From memory the quote to hang spikes etc was over £1000 so you can imagine the cost of actually moving a pole and lines. The power company sent out a bird scare CD (back in the day) which I played on a loop from the garage. It kept the birds away. You might find some useful help on the R.S.P.B website.