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Message 11 of 15

Re: New Fibre broadband installation but very low speed

I'll try that tomorrow, thank you. 

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Message 12 of 15

Re: New Fibre broadband installation but very low speed

In the majority of cases , poor speed from the start of  the service when it’s not just a standard setup using the SH2 is normally the customer’s own kit , as a baseline test ( and whats more if you do have a problem it’s ensures your problem is not simply dismissed because you don’t use the supplied router ) , connect the BT SH2 using the supplied Ethernet cable to the ONT and use the BT speed tester , this obviously eliminates anything outside of your providers area of responsibility, if the speed remains poor , then it could be a provisioning error , in that your individual ‘account’ hasn’t been set with the correct ‘ profile’ , but first , the most likely issue ( your own setup ) has to be eliminated .

You could also try connecting a PC directly to the ONT , setting up a PPPoE session and running a speed test , this eliminates the SH2 from the setup, should that be the problem.

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Message 13 of 15

Re: New Fibre broadband installation but very low speed

Thank you for the suggestion. I will run some tests tomorrow. Just for your information  I was getting 10 times this download speed with Virginmedia broadband before I switched to BT with exactly the same internal setup. Puzzle. 

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Message 14 of 15

Re: New Fibre broadband installation but very low speed


I had the same issue when we had Full Fibre 900 installed & the speed test results were often very low & all over the place depending on the tester.

I now use the Ookla Windows app on our desktop & it gives consistent speed readings which average 941 Mbps down & 111 Mbps up & which match the speeds that the My BT speed tester shows. 

The Ookla app always uses a server within around a 40 mile radius while some of the others used servers outside of the UK.

P.S. I always test via Ethernet.

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Message 15 of 15

Re: New Fibre broadband installation but very low speed

Thank you all foŕ the helpful responses. I have just located the problem, or part of it, a damaged cat6 cable between my main switch (plugged to the Smart Hub 2) and one of my outllying switches which feeds my main PC. Cable has been torn by floorboard after heating system work some time ago. Sheath and insulation from two core covers squeezed off over a couple of inches. I bypassed it with a long patch lead and now have 97Mbit download and 48Mbit up through Ookla test site. Better, although obviously a good chunk away from theoretical/promised/paid for 😎 Next step run in a new feed, oh dear.

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