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Message 11 of 13

Re: Regrade fron Fibre 500 to 900 has slowed my upload speed??

@iniltous can always rely on you!

Would it be problematic if 30 folks signed up to 900Mbps and were all very hungry?

I totally accept your explanation and indeed the real world use does not just go 32:1, but what about a potential large update of 1.6Gbps packages, its going to have its effects right, I dunno who is pulling 1.6Gbps all day and night anyway but theoretically it sounds like a challenge to sell this on 2.6Gbps uplinks.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 12 of 13

Re: Regrade fron Fibre 500 to 900 has slowed my upload speed??

"TBH it is also the case an individual user won’t notice the difference between a 60Mb upload and a 110Mb upload in normal day to day use ( which is why in that case only one user complained, no one else even noticed ) only that particular user , that presumably ran speed tests continually, for no other reason than to ‘check’ they were indeed getting what they were paying for , was the only person that even noticed a problem, or was motivated enough to report it ."

Were it not for users like the one above network issues would not get detected and fixed, if I remember correctly that user had to go all the way to the top to get his issue addressed, which resulted in a change in approach from BT / Openreach this can only be a good thing as everyone benefits.

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Message 13 of 13

Re: Regrade from Fibre 500 to 900 has slowed my upload speed??

So, before I give up the ghost and tether my cancelation right under the 14-day cooling off period, is any of the 'Mods' on here able to do anything to address the problem?

Up till now, the Broadband service from BT has been top-notch, but this has really put a dampener on things. Not just the slow speed itself, but the lack of anyone from CS being willing to help or even investigate the matter.


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