Message 11 of 11

Re: Schrodinger's FTTP

Sometime those issues could be resolved if the peope behind the 1st support at BT would listen and actually believe that you may have some knowledge (prob wider then them) and escalate further swiftly. Another thing ...like you said not always BT's fault. My issue now with probably bricked ONT lies with 3rd line support at Open Reach and Adtran support as well! They tried rebuild the foriware but could not do it and in the process PON keep flashing for last hmm 15 hours or so. Open reach ecnigneer that came- good chap tbh - stayed with 2nd lie support, than with 3rd and they said close the fault we take care of it and from there nothing, no updates no reference 😕 And all started like this dreaded cat ...system/chat bot was saying all runs fine and it has to be something at my side that is wrong! Good thing is it will be resolved but the pain and timescales that they work to are ridiculus...2 days , enginner visit..no conculsion 2 days another one...then its Friday and over the weekend non of the OR available so Monday comes and we start again 😆

Considering another supplier might be the case but - not sure hows that prospects looks at yours - in here its BT or no one else (FTTP i mean) normal copper prob could get any one else to get a new line connected but that's overkill having this redundancy. Luckilly swish fibre is digging our area so eventually they should be able to supply the alternative to ultra fast BT fibre

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